Monday 27 December 2021

Christmas Came and Went

I was at work on Christmas day and obviously I did not feel the Christmas spirit. I was clearing up as much work as I could so that 2022 will be better with no unfinished business brought forward.

Saturday 25 December 2021

Kissy Poo On A Rainy Day

Last week when it rained like hell, my two cats were feeling pretty miserable because they could not go out to kai kai.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Is This Beef Rendang? Mushroom Lah!

It was raining cats and dogs and more last Friday and Saturday. As you know by now, many areas in Selangor and other states experienced devastating floods and I count myself fortunate not to be affected.

Thursday 16 December 2021

Keto Noodles

I am feeling very bored at the office. That's the nice thing about not having a boss. You are allowed to feel bored. And you are allowed to update your blog. During office hours. Hah!

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Belle Belle The Heartbreaker

Belle Belle has been on very good behavior mode of late. About a month ago, she disappeared for two days straight and prompted me to mention that we would be breaking each other's hearts at the end of this post.

Monday 13 December 2021

Once Upon A Time I Cooked

Wahahahaha... Like it has been ages since I wielded a spatula and attacked the wok! Oh yes, I did cook. Months ago. And I wasn't moved to write about it. Gone was the enthusiasm of plating up a dish, making it pretty, taking snapshots and then blogging about it.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Adoi. Kena Again.

Today I went out for a late lunch. There were not many choices of dishes left at my regular chap fan spot but I managed to gather enough food to eat.

Monday 6 December 2021

Orchids vs Roses

My auntie sent me a bunch of photos of her lovely lovely blooms. So I shall post them here for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday 2 December 2021

Naughty Girls

One of the days when I was at home, I heard a whole lot of noise coming from upstairs. When my cousins were little, my auntie would to holler "BOYSSSS.....!!!!" when she detected some sort of mischief.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Li Wei, The Starling Damansara Uptown (CLOSED)

A new food kiosk has opened at A Foodie's Nest, The Starling. Li Wei occupies the spot vacated (for the longest time) by Fujisawa Izakaya which is located next to my favorite Hotpot1.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Fulfilling A Craving For Ramen

Many weeks ago, my brother and I revisited Ramen Bari Uma on my suggestion because we were super craving for ramen.

Tuesday 16 November 2021

I Need A Drink : Tepache!

This fermented drink contains some alcohol. But the level of alcohol is quite low, though it can make me feel light headed if I drink it on an empty stomach.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Keeping My Blog Alive and Me Sane

Just in case you were wondering where I am, I am still here lah. Where else, right? Just not so active lately due to some personal/office matters.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Say Yes Cafe, Damansara Uptown

Remember Kedai Kopi Malaya? I won't be surprised if you don't because the food, to me, was unmemorable.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

K Burger - Best Korean Burger in Malaysia

That is a very bold claim, eh? Best Korean Burger in Malaysia. It was my lahling who alerted me to this food truck in Damansara Uptown.

Monday 1 November 2021

Hey! What's Cooking, Damansara Uptown

This is another new eatery that I visited recently. It is also located along the same row of shops where Ming Chai Kee is but this one is a little further down the other end, closer to the Telekom side.

Friday 29 October 2021

Ming Chai Kee, Damansara Uptown

In the aftermath of the pandemic which saw many restaurants in my area closed, hope springs eternal when new ones emerge.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

My Basket Case

Belle Belle is very attached to this little red basket. The fatty has been squeezing herself into her favorite spot every evening.

Friday 22 October 2021

How I Flavor Water Kefir (Secondary Fermentation)

This is a continuation of my post about water kefir primary fermentation. Let's move on to flavoring the water kefir and how to do the second fermentation.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Our Favorite Medley

After our first dine-in together two weekends ago, my brother and I went out to makan-makan again. This is some sort of revenge dining out hah..hah...

Sunday 17 October 2021

How I Make Water Kefir (Primary Fermentation)

I have been enjoying water kefir for many weeks now and I am not tired of making this refreshing probiotic drink. It is fun to experiment with all sort of flavorings.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Fried Rice. Fried Fish.

I love Chinese restaurant style fried rice. The ones with fragrant wok hei. That I cannot resist.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Girl! Your Backside Smelly!

When you live with pets, the issue of hygiene crops up from time to time. Generally speaking cats are very clean creatures. They groom themselves without fail and they don't smell.

Monday 11 October 2021

Water Kefir

Lately this has been my activity once every two days - feeding my water kefir grains and bottling/flavoring the water for secondary fermentation.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Tuesday 5 October 2021

No Mood Again

You know, once you take a long break from blogging, it's very hard to come back. That's what I am experiencing anyway.

Saturday 2 October 2021

No Banana Leaf

My brother and I had our first dine-in together at Kadei by Manchula. Yay ! How I long for banana leaf rice!

Thursday 30 September 2021

Fried Fish and Curry Veggies

This whole week I ate out. It's quite fun actually and I won't mind eating out every week. But no. This Sunday, I am going to devote some time to prepare meals for me.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

My Latest Favorite Activity

Wait wait. I am not finished with my birthday yet, like it's a big deal. Sunday I gave myself a pre-birthday treat.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

My Romantic Birthday Date Nite

It has been a long long time since my partner and I dined out together. We can't even remember when was our last dinner date.

Monday 27 September 2021

Happy Birthday To Me

This morning I woke up before 4:00am (I beat my alarm clock to it) and I thought to myself, am I already 55 years old today?

Sunday 26 September 2021

It's So Good To Dine In Again

One of my readers complained. You pencen (retired) already, is it? It was my mum hah..hah...

Sunday 12 September 2021

Before I Take A Break

This post is a little bit of a mish mash of the happenings for the past two weeks or so. I am not in the right frame of mind (and also no time) to write a nice proper post with a focused subject matter.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Mini Mooncakes

Last weekend my brother (the married one) sent over a box of mooncakes. He told me that these mooncakes have a short shelf life. 

Monday 6 September 2021

Madam Beow Beow

I have no food to show you. Actually got lah but I have not gotten down to editing the photos.

Thursday 2 September 2021

My Merdeka Day

Merdeka Day was a bit depressing for me. I haven't felt (severely) depressed in a long time and that familiar feeling came in waves that day.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Tapau Tapau : Home's Kitchen

I am still lazy too tired to food prep for my work day lunches so I rely on tapau for lunch. Last Friday I was on my feet from the time I woke up until 7:00 pm doing my housework and doing this and this again.

Tuesday 31 August 2021


When you see Brazilian what do you think of? Brazilian Samba? Woo hoo! Or the other Brazilian.

Monday 30 August 2021

My Fussy Pots

Ever since I took on two kitties, my schedule in the morning and evening is extra busy. I admit that I sometimes wished I did not have to perform those extra duties.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

What I Do With Bone Broth

I have been asked how I consume bone broth. There was a time when I drank it like a supplement by adding some salt and pepper to it.

Monday 23 August 2021


Belle Belle is a lot more comfortable at home and she has now started to jump on the sofas again. Previously, she only stayed on the floor or preferred to go upstairs.

Saturday 21 August 2021

Nasi Lemak Supreme

After I tapau-ed the Curry Laksa Supreme from Annie 1, I decided to do a Nasi Lemak Supreme from Home's Kitchen (not to be confused with the (sadly) closed Home Kitchen).

Thursday 19 August 2021

My Tapau Mood Is On : Die Die Must Eat

That up there is my favorite Ipoh White Coffee. Today I cannot tahan. I miss something. I want to eat it. It's been too long.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Office Tapau : Monday and Tuesday

I decided that this week, I shall eat out for lunch. So no food prepping on Sunday except for my usual soup which is designated for the whole week's dinner.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

I Love You I Love Yoo!

Last weekend as usual I went to work. What do I look forwards to? Clearing my work? No lah.

Sunday 15 August 2021

These Lovely Bones

I am not referring to the bones in the 2009 supernatural thriller, those were human, this is porcine. I hope I am not being too gory.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Craving for Something Good

It looks like Selangor will be in Phase 1 of the the National Recovery Plan for a long, long time.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Your Turn To Kena Vaccinated

Not Covid-19 vaccination, but Girl's annual vaccination. Since yesterday was a public holiday, I took the opportunity to take her to the vet.

Monday 9 August 2021

Food Prepping Can Be So Sien

During the week I would conjure images of what I would prepare for my next week's food prep, semangat and all.