Thursday 27 February 2020

COOOK The Starling (A Foodie's Nest)

Remember I wrote about this lonely place? Well, it is not lonely anymore, in fact it has sprung to life and I am glad to report that the food is pretty good. 

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Vegetarian For One Whole Day

One day I was sick so I stayed home. And there was no food in the fridge. Bah!

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Bingka Labu

Sometime last year, I attempted a Bingka Labu which did not turn out well. Then I bought a wedge of pumpkin, had it roasted and frozen, with the intention of attempting the recipe again.

Friday 21 February 2020

EAT 21, Damansara Uptown

On my walkabouts in the neighborhood, I noticed (last year) that a new eatery opened at the spot vacated by my once favorite place.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Cat Nap. Interrupted.

I give my cat no peace. Snap! Snap! Snap! I can't help it. I have hundreds of snapshots of her. I bet she is annoyed.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Ai Jiak, SEA Park on Valentine's Day

Continuing on from my Valentine's Day makan-makan, my Valentine was suddenly so adventurous. He suggested that we visit a restaurant that he heard about from his whatsapp group. 

Sunday 16 February 2020

My Yummy Valentine

So how? How was your Valentine's Day? My partner and I are not in the habit of making a big deal of Valentines's Day.

Friday 14 February 2020

I See Cats

Lately I have been bumping into cats hee..hee... In Damansara Uptown there is a population of cats and they roam everywhere.

Thursday 13 February 2020

Jia Bao Bak Kut Teh, Damansara Uptown

This Bak Kut Teh outlet opened sometime last year. I passed by many times and only recently paid a visit.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Wanpaku Sando Disaster

It has been a while since I posted my kitchen disasters. Have you heard of Wanpaku Sandwich?

Monday 10 February 2020

Ice Ice Veggie

The first time I read about Ice Vegggie was on Nancy's blog. Then Nancy mentioned about it again here. What is this Ice Vegetable?

Thursday 6 February 2020

My Favorite Makan Place

Of all the restaurants I have visited at The Starling, my all time favorite is still Pho Vietz. There is something light and refreshing about Vietnamese fare and the food at Pho Vietz suites my taste.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

CNY Day 2 Dinner @ Simply Ribs

In spite of the heavy Indian banana leaf lunch, we all found ourselves hungry even before dinner time hah..hah... Dad wanted to eat his favorite - Fish and Chips.

Monday 3 February 2020

Cookies Galore cookie baking engine was stoked amid sputters and wheezes. There were baking ingredients leftover from the earlier batches and why not bake more and spread the joy? (and fats!)

Sunday 2 February 2020

CNY Day 2 Lunch @ Krishna Curry House

The day after our lunch at Marta's Kitchen, my mum suggested lunch at Krishna Curry House. Oh yes! Banana leaf rice for me anytime. This is the sort of food that is more to my parents' taste.