Friday 19 July 2024



This morning it rained. So I was a little bit late getting to work.

To my relief Thursday, TuTu came home. So the Kat family is still intact.

Naughty Tu! Next time don't run away again.

Since it rained this morning, all my kitties kwai kwai stayed at home.

Poodie is doing well. Somehow after the spaying episode, she is more agreeable to cuddles and does not wiggle to get away. Everyday (when I remember) I will carry and cuddle the three kitties (including the big fat orange one) for some cat therapy.

Speaking of the big fat orange one, Girl was in a mood for a fight today. This is her staring down Kittie Kat.

And then they dush! dush! dush!

I don't know why the aggression.

And Kittie Kat gave a kick. Dush!

Haiz! What is all this fighting fighting?

Hmmm.... Kittie Kat?

Perhaps it was just for a bit of fun, eh?

I went to tapau Kopi C at Yitcha Kaw Kaw Kopitiam and while waiting, I was confronted by this array of pastries.

The smell was wonderful! But no, I did not buy any. 

Next week is TuTu's turn to visit the vet.


  1. Hahahaha, look at tutu face when u told her about the vet visit next week. 😹All the best for tutu πŸ™

    1. hee..hee.. Thank you for your wishes!

  2. I think they may just be practising fighting ⚔️this notti tutu, πŸ™ she stays around for her vet visit and don't go stay in a hotel somewhere enjoying free food and usap from strangers.

    1. I will keep her in lokap the night before the procedure to ensure that she does not escape!

  3. Y 3 kitties? Is it because 2 kitties don't like to be cuddled?

    1. Well, it's nice to cuddle the young ones. Girl is too heavy and Kittie Kat is not the cuddling type.

  4. Big fat orange one! Lol ! I read in an article that getting near to nature and animals will benefit us emotionally. No wonder you need your cat therapy. There are five cats (I am sure more than that) in my neighborhood where I will visit them and say hello to them when I need my cat therapy too.

    1. LOL! Yes, it has a very calming effect on me when I cuddle them.

  5. The cat fight reminds me of one song, "Everybody kungfu fighting" lah lah lah

    1. hah..hah..hah... that song was from so long ago!

  6. Good that it's Tutu's time...since that girl likes to stay out all night and not come home (danger! danger!). Hopefully the aggression between the two is just a one-off as we wouldn't want another of your cat to pack up and

    1. Girl has her moods and for no reason she picks a fight but it does not happen too often. Yup, I must snip snip my girls before they reach puberty or else, more mouths to feed!

  7. They cats practice their kungfu fighting! lol! now i see that Girl is so much contrast in size compared to kittie kat. Big fat orange cat like Garfield, lol!

    1. hah..hah... I have a Garfield look alike!
