Monday 1 July 2024

Friday Dinner

I had a container of cooked minced beef and bacon in the fridge which needed to be used up.

The easiest thing to use this for is omelette. 

I simply put the cold cooked meat, chopped onions and sliced jalapeno in my pan and heated the whole thing up. My cooking style these days is very bohemian, put stuff in even before the pan is heated. 

Then when the contents of the pan is heated, I poured in four beaten eggs.

As usual, my omelette always turns out more like scrambled.

I also had a mug of chicken broth. 

That was a very good and filling dinner.

***Kittie Updates***

Allo allo Boi!

See how shiny Ah Boi is hee..hee...


TuTu is a happy cat.

She is the most affectionate among the three kittens.

She loves being cuddled, purring very loudly when I carry her. She also loves to grab my leg or climb up my back (when I squat to do stuff) but I don't like it because her sharp claws dig into my skin and becomes itchy.

Auwww....Tuuu... you are so so cute!


  1. You are so talented! Ah boi looks so good in the photos. Like those 😺🐈 in ghibli studio movies. Her sisters all look so lovely in your photos. πŸ’•

    1. Aiyo, you are over-generous with your compliments LOL!

  2. I like to eat eggs so your scrambled eggs dish I would like it very much. Yums! πŸ˜‹πŸ€€

    1. It tastes especially good because there are bacon bits in it.

  3. Ah boi looks so good in your photos. Your photos are like art! You are so talented! πŸ’“πŸ˜ Tutu looks so good too! πŸ‘πŸ˜

    1. Ah Boi must be photographed when there is adequate natural light or else he will look like a black lump. LOL!

  4. Eggs cooked in anyway for me anytime. Ah Boi looks really shiny. Tutu ah tutu why are you so cute?

    1. TuTu is naturally adorable and cute. I cannot tahan her cuteness sometimes hah..hah...

  5. Cup as bowl for your soup. :P

    1. Yes, very convenient to just take it like a drink hee..hee..

  6. Hah..hah...yours is not an's more like stir-fried minced beef with egg! :D P/S: Ah Boi always looks fierce in his photo (it's her eyes) unlike TuTu who wins the Miss Congeniality award.
