Friday 31 May 2024

We LOVE Chicken! We LOVE Chicken!

Cried the cats. Wahahahaha!!! Ma/grandma was not amused because it is very hard on the pocket to feed them with chicken.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Eating Lamb Cheaply - Lamb Bones

I chanced upon a packet of lamb bones at Jaya Grocer and picked up a packet. I saw that there was quite a bit of meat (plus fats) along with some bones.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Stuffed on Wesak Day

Wesak Day was last Wednesday and it coincided with our weekly visit to the nursing home.

Monday 27 May 2024

Porkie Sunday

On Saturday I went to Hank's to look for pork trimmings. I was also looking to buy pork bones.

Friday 24 May 2024

Naughty #12 : Round Two. Ding! Ding! Ding!

I ventured out again to Restoran Wan Shoon to fulfil my wish to eat Mee Jawa again.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Goodbye My Friend

It is with great sadness that  I found out early this morning that my friend, Mr Tan Lee Kim, passed away on Tuesday 21-05-2024.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Naughty # 11 : A Mini Sourdough Pizza

I was compelled to try this pizza after watching Halla Holla's Instagram promotional reel where the Halla Holla guy (I found out that his name is Terrence) took a bite of this pizza with a resounding crunch.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Of Roti Bom and Apes

Last Saturday a cousin of mine and her husband plus her father (who is my dad's eldest brother) visited dad at the home.

Monday 20 May 2024

Secret Ingredient

I went back to Ding Xiang Sang Nyuk Noodles again because I don't have many options when eating out.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Kittie Kat Comes Home

Well, Kittie Kat is all fixed and good. My partner and I went to pick her up yesterday.

Friday 17 May 2024

Another Awesome Ribs

As usual, last Saturday we were at Kar Hiong for our once weekly lunch.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Kittie Kat Goes To The Vet

This morning I sent Kittie Kat to the vet for her spaying appointment.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Yesterday's Lunch and Dinner

I am very resolute in my attempt to stay as carnivore as possible. The only way to reap benefits is to stay consistent.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Killing A Craving

What do you do when a craving hits? Do you suppress and just suck it up? Or do you give in?

Monday 13 May 2024

Seminar Food

Last week I attended a seminar. It was my first physical seminar in a long long time.

Saturday 11 May 2024

Awesome Pork Ribs @ The Charcoal Grill, Damansara Utama

When I caught wind that The Charcoal Grill recently opened in Damansara Utama, naturally I was excited. 

Friday 10 May 2024

I Can Cook A Better Steak

These days I am quite good at cooking steaks. Not that I am blowing my own trumpet.

Thursday 9 May 2024

A Small Celebration

Yesterday my brother and I took our dad to the hospital for a medical checkup.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Naughty #10 : Mee Jawa To Die For

I found myself at Restoran Wan Shoon @ Damansara Kim again. Simply because I wanted to eat the Mee Jawa.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Meaty Monday

Monday I ate out at lunch time. Now I head to the chicken rice stalls at the kopitiams for a more affordable carnivore meal.

Monday 6 May 2024

Eating A Lot Of Meat

Last Sunday I cooked me a strip of sirloin steak. I also fried 4 eggs but forgot to snap the photo.

Saturday 4 May 2024

Friday 3 May 2024

Thursday 2 May 2024