Wednesday 29 May 2024

Eating Lamb Cheaply - Lamb Bones

I chanced upon a packet of lamb bones at Jaya Grocer and picked up a packet. I saw that there was quite a bit of meat (plus fats) along with some bones.

I simply threw the whole lot into the air fryer at 200C for something like 14-16 minutes. No salt added.

The bones were nicely browned and there was still some meat to be salvaged particularly on the big bone.

There was a big strip of fat with some meat attached, Most people would throw that away but I ate with gusto along with my home made kimchi. It was delicious!

***Kitten Updates***

For the past few days, there was no smell coming from the litter boxes. Usually when I open the door first thing in the morning, I can smell you-know-what.

Or when I walk past the gate when I come home in the evenings, my nose would be assaulted by the terrible pong.

Well, I have been very indulgent with my cats and they are enjoying their new menu of boiled chicken breasts. 

With this diet of real meat, there is hardly any poop in the litter boxes. Even if there is any, the poop is small and the smell is mild compared the (stinky) poop they produced when they were on processed wet food/kibble.

Kittie Kat will let her kittens eat first before she partakes in the meal.

See how contented Ah Boi is hah..hah..hah...

Poodie is a happy girl!


  1. Kittie Kat is such a good mother. Good that their poo is more solid now and not as liquid and pungent like last time. But Grandma got to spend more money in future. Thanks Grandma! As long as my furkids are happy, I am happy! Grandma says.

    1. I was quite surprised by Kittie Kat's motherly behavior because there are some aspects where she is not good. Like she never went to rescue her kittens when they were "trapped" at neighbors' house when it rained. Yes, furkids happy, grandma also happy!

  2. Really well fed and the mother cat is really thoughtful like humans....
    I never bought lamb meat before... hahaha.. I guess I do not know how to enjoy eating them in the first place... good that you enjoy them, with the fats and all...

    1. Yes, such is motherly behavior. This lamb meat luckily did not have a strong smell.

  3. Wow thank you Grandma for the delicious chicken. Does Ah Girl get a share of the chicken meat as well?

    1. Yes, Ah Girl also gets chicken which she loves!

  4. Ah, just curious, how do you wash the lamb bones before cooking them? They look quite difficult to wash as they are in irregular shapes. One reason I don't cook is because I don't like to wash raw meat and raw bones due to their bloody smell.

    1. I didn't wash LOL! If washed, it will be wet and won't be crispy. After all, the bacteria will die when the meat is cooked.

  5. The 3 kids are so happy with grandma's generosity! 😻Not sure how true this is or whether it is a marketing talk by cat food manufacturers. Online there are some websites that say if cats only eat chicken meat, they may have some minerals or vitamins deficiencies. No idea whether or not this is true or not.

    1. I don't know how true that is. It really depends on the quality of the chicken meat. I can't sustain feeding them 100% chicken and will supplement with the commercial wet food. But no kibble as I find it makes them poop a lot and the poop is super stinky.

    2. Online says cats in the wild eat the whole bird including the innards heart livers and bones so they get full nutrients such as calcium and etc. Only chicken meat is not sufficient as lack of taurine, calcium and etc etc nutrients. This thing I also don't know how true.

  6. Now chatgpt from openAI is very popular, can ask it:
    Does chicken have enough nutrients for cats?

  7. The cats and you were well fed in this post. :)
