Wednesday 1 May 2024

Labor Day No Holiday

So what do we do? MAKAN! hah..hah..hah... 

Well, today is Labor Day but alas it is no holiday for me. It so happens today is also visit day at the home and since I have many deadlines to meet at work, I might as well go back to the office and get things done (so that I can sleep peacefully tonight).

As usual after we visit dad, we headed out to Kar Hiong for lunch. Normally we only do lunch on Saturdays but since today is a public holiday, we have a good excuse to go out to eat.

Veggie of the day was this Sayur Manis Fried with Egg (L) (my brother's request). It was good although it seemed a bit on the dry side today (not enough chap).

Our same-old-same-old order of Honey Pepper Mushroom (L) which without a doubt we enjoyed.

Something new, Red Wine Pork Ribs which I thought was quite nice though my brother couldn't quite put a flavor to this. I can't say I could distinctly taste the red wine (which is red yeast rice wine if I am not wrong) but it was tasty to me, so I just wallop.

This Asam Deep Fried Fish is not exactly something new because we previously had the steamed version. I specially ordered this asam fish dish because I remembered mum enjoyed it a lot. To put a new spin on it, I decided to get the deep fried version which did not disappoint.

So that was our lunch today after which we dropped mum off at home and my brother and I went back to our respective place of work to slave away on labor day wahahaha...

***Kitten Updates***

Today we focus on TuTu Kat. She is very cheeky, running off whenever she knows it is time for curfew. I have had to play hide and seek with her in the evenings as she is quite adept at hiding among the bushes.

This girl is the spitting image of her pa.

Whom I caught hiding under my neighbor's car.

I think he is also BoiBoi Kat's pa and Ah Boi would have gotten his midnight black coat from him. But Poodie I think is fathered by another cat in view of her tri-colored coat.

So anyway, this black and white guy had been hanging around for a while and he constantly comes by (and gets shooed away by Ah Ma). Don't you dare lay your dirty paws on my Kittie Kat!

TuTu is also quite the tree climber.

Incidentally today is my 12th Blog Anniversary! hee..hee...


  1. I always did all sorts of freelance besides a full time job last time. Money is important in life!! 🤑💰💵

    I love that Tutu Cat photo sitting on the pot! So cute.

    1. Betul! Money is very important.

      hee..hee...Tutu is very cute!

  2. Happy 12th Blog Anniversary to you 🎊 🥳🥂! Delicious dishes with rice! 🤤 I think you are right about poodie and tutu having different fathers. Ya, u fellas better stay away from Kittie Kat. Very lovely photos of tutu. Good to see tutu practising climbing trees. Hopefully she knows how to get down safely because sometimes the firemen get called to rescue cats stuck on top of high trees. 🤞 Happy working!

    1. Thank you! Yah, I was worried she might climb to high and then is scared of coming down. Then I will have to call Abang Bomba. LOL!

  3. It is good to treat yourself to a great meal, on public holiday.haha. off day for my shop yesterday, so makan day also for us.

    1. It's good for you to take a break! Running a kopitiam is not easy.

  4. If your sayur manis feels a bit dry, then it's a possiblity that the leaves are old. That assam fish is so skinny, one person can finish that...hehe! ;)

    That no good black and white cat is hanging around for one reason's mating time Well, he can still be Poodie's father as Poodie could have gotten her tri-colour from her mother (it depends on which parents genes were the strongest). P/S: Congrats...happy 12th anniversary....with more anniversaries to come!

    1. Ah, too old eh? It didn't feel tough though. I agree, the fish is too skinny. LOL!

      That's what I am worried, that no good fella wants another round! I am arranging for Kittie Kat to go snip snip next week. Hope that he didn't beat me to it. LOL!

      Thanks, I think I will be blogging for quite some time. Who knows, until I am 80 wahahaha!!!

  5. TuTu Kat standing on the pot reminds me of the one of the scenes in Lion King movie -Simba standing on the cliff.
