Tuesday, 31 August 2021


When you see Brazilian what do you think of? Brazilian Samba? Woo hoo! Or the other Brazilian.

This one. The ouch ouch kind (not that I have ever tried).

My partner happened to park right in front of this errr...what do you call this...waxing studio? and I chanced upon the heh..heh...Brazilian Wax and what on earth is "Half Leg Bottom Wax"?

Anyway I have been eating loads of Brazilian Spinach and some of you did ask me about this vegetable. I don't know if it originated in Brazil but that is what it is called.

I was not aware of this vegetable until I read about it in other blogs.

In Malay it is called Bayam Brazil.

I had no idea if it would taste nice or what.

It looks like this, dark green leaves and they are thicker than our local spinach.

I tried cooking this vegetable in soup and I must say that I love it. It does not have any strong distinctive taste (unlike some vegetables like the strong smelling one (tang oh?) that people put in steamboat).

Just cook until it is tender. 

Apparently it can also be eaten raw in the form of Kerabu Bayam Brazil. That sounds very interesting and I am going to try it next.

For now I will be enjoying Brazilian Spinach in my loaded soups. I have not seen this vegetable at Aeon and can only get my supply from Jaya Grocer

I am sure this is also good stir fried with just garlic and salt or even better, with sambal!


  1. I got rid of all of mine already. Nice, I love it but when I fried, I would be the only one eating. Dunno why my girl and the mum did not like it - anytime nicer than regular spinach, if you ask me. Haven't seen it being sold anywhere though...but then again, I have not been to our central market. Listed as high risk, who wants to go?

    1. Let me try and grow it hee..hee.. It would be nice to harvest from the garden.

  2. I don't think I have tried this Brazilian spinach before, does it have a very bitter aftertaste?

  3. When I encounter the word Brazil, I think of world cup football FIFA! I have a friend who always go for Brazilian wax. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I would never go for any type of waxing cos takut pain and don't mind being harry. πŸ˜‚ Hahaha! Half leg bottom wax is waxing leg or waxing the bottom? πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  4. Now u got me interested in Brazilian Spinach but I won't be going to Jaya grocer anytime soon cos scaredy cats. Still relaxing at home most of the time. Let me see if can buy it online. Thanks for the review!

    1. If you can get it online, I hope that you like it.

  5. Haha. The first thing comes into my mind when you asked the question is Brazilian wax. Ooopps.

    Never try this vegetable.Dont think I see it around here yet.

  6. Initially, I was kind of blur over the ouch, ouch until I scroll down to read. I had a few pots of Brazilian Spinach in my garden but now only 2 remain. I am the only one eating because hubby doesn't like it. I haven't tried making kerabu with it. If the Brazilian spinach come with stalks, after picking off the leaves, you can just cucuk the stalk into the soil. It grows easily.

    1. Yes, I will attempt to grow it since I love this vegetable so much!

  7. never cross my mind on the Brazilian waxing...coz i don't need it...LOL! i haven't try such 'exotic' spinach before...perhaps one day i will drop by Jaya Grocer to check/buy....

    1. LOL! You might like it since it is neutral tasting.

  8. I love to eat spinach esp the Greek Spinach Pies! Our local spinach soups are tasty too. I trust your taste that Brazilian Spinach is good. Tomorrow I will walk across my office to a mini market to check it out.

    1. You must be talking about spanakopita! I don't think I will ever try it because of the cheese. I think you might like this Brazilian spinach.

  9. Brazilian spinach? Wouldn't know if I'd like it since I've not eaten it before. But if the spinach comes already prepped, that's a plus already. I don't even buy local spinach all that much coz it's tedious work plucking the leaves...lol. As for tong oh, yup, hate that smelly veggie! >_<

    1. hah..hah.. I also don't like to buy local spinach even though I love them mostly because they need a lot of washing - so much dirt and grime! Though the organic ones are cleaner. Ah! You also dislike tong oh!

  10. This bayam seems to be all the rage amongst my gardening friends.

  11. This Brazilian Spinach have slightly "slimy" texture similar to another veggies called Wong Dai Miu (literally translated as King Sprout). I don't like the "smelly veggie" that you mentioned too, the Tong Ho >_<
