Tuesday, 5 October 2021

No Mood Again

You know, once you take a long break from blogging, it's very hard to come back. That's what I am experiencing anyway.

Last weekend I wanted to blog about my water kefir but I kept forgetting to take snapshots of the process. This evening I am going to make another blueberry lemon flavored water kefir as the batch I made last week turned out so good.

Well, as I intended, I food prepped for this week.

A salad-y sort of meal for my office lunches.

It's easy to just prep a protein, some carbs (multi-grain rice) and use those ready washed salad leaves.

I also added some sliced jalapenos for extra kick.

This was last weekend's soupy lunch.  I love those dumplings that I purchased online from Sanbanto.

Nowadays I can feed Girl and Belle Belle side by side. Belle Belle has become more civilized now. In the past, you can bet she would eat from Girl's bowl.

They are buddies now.

Belle Belle is now the new fatty bom bom. Look at how round she is when she squeezed herself into this small basket.

She made a mess with the old newspapers outside.

And that seems to be her favorite spot.

In the evening she loves to sleep on the sofa.

Finally, the cat blankets that I bought are now being well used. Girl still refuses to go anywhere near them.


  1. Experiencing mood swings? Gee!!! Eat kacangma chicken - the motherwort is good for moods, all worts are like St John's, for instance...and passion flower too.

    Oh gosh!!! Who made a mess of those old newspapers? LOL!!!

    1. I meant to try kacangma chicken from Aunty Christina and also her Sarawak Laksa. One of these days I'll order it.

  2. Your salad lunch boxes are so healthy. If I eat so healthily for a few days in a row, I tend to binge on some unhealthy food at the end of the week. Your water kefir uses real fruits so of course is delicious! What a warm feeling to see Girl Girl and Belle Belle being good friends! Belle Belle will find herself not able to squeeze into the red plastic basket one fine day. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    1. You are right! Belle Belle won't fit into the basket if she keeps on becoming chubbier LOL!

  3. Sounds familiar... I am so lazy these days, blogging is no more a daily homework like those days. Now I just blog whenever I feel like it... unlike those days, I felt something was not done if I did not blog daily. Anyway, just to keep our blog alive is an achievement already... hahaha...

    1. Sounds like we are the same! I used to feel that I have to update frequently as I enjoy blogging. Somehow the mood is low these days hah..hah..

  4. I wonder is they like a cramped environment like the basket? How long they can stay inside or it's just a "toy" for them?

    1. Apparently they like small spaces. Belle Belle doesn't stay for long in the basket. It doesn't look comfortable LOL!

  5. I love your food prep. So colourful, so hearty.

    Belle Belle is such a cutie. Chubby is cute. Hehe

  6. LOL no mood! so emo...Belle is so round and cute these days, her tail is so fluffy! i wanna pull her tail....kihkihkih!

    1. hah..hah...yes, her tail is very fluffy and I love to look at it.

  7. Yeah, the no mood to blog happens once we don't blog regularly coz that happened to me too. Sometimes I'm even too lazy to write a blog a week but I know if I don't keep it up, it'll be even harder to come back.

    That chubby Belle in the basket...her stomach is so fat now that her legs look so thin sticking out from the basket...lol! For some reason, Girl likes to sit on your selipar Jepun! :D

    1. I hope my mood will come back soon hah..hah..

      Very soon Belle Belle won't fit into the basket (it looks so tight and uncomfortable!) and Girl probably likes the smell of my slippers wahahahahaha!!

  8. Hi PH, interested to know more about your blog writing and if you do blog cover for restaurants and cafe, please let me know how we can be in touch.

    Jeff here btw

    1. Hello Jeff! I don't do invited reviews as you can see. I basically eat at some place and then write about it just for fun. But thanks for asking.
