Tuesday 27 August 2024

Keto Kita Rendang Daging

Who loves rendang? Cooking rendang is not that difficult, just tedious because there are so many ingredients to peel and blend and saute etc etc.

Well, I have cooked beef rendang (2017) and chicken rendang (2012). Notice the time lag in between and well, you never saw home cooked rendang ever again hah..hah..hah...

Recently I came upon this product which is available on Shoppee.

This rendang is keto compliant, suitable for anyone in particular individuals who are on a ketogenic or low carb diet. Now, I am not paid to promote this product, ok? Just sharing information only lah.

This rendang is made with buffalo meat and uses coconut oil which is great for people who want to avoid seed oils (which is inflammatory).

It also uses stevia in place of sugar. All the other ingredients are the usual herbs and spices used in cooking rendang.

This rendang is of course not suitable for the pure strict carnivore who consumes only meat and fats, but I am not strict.

To heat up the product, I simply placed the packet in my steamer and steamed for 10 minutes. Then tear open the packet and pour onto a plate.

The first thing that hit me was the wonderful aroma of rendang. So fragrant and appetite inducing. This would be great with rice, naturally, but I ate it neat.

It was a tad salty just because I ate it without rice. It was also spicy hot, but nothing that I can't handle. Although it is sweetened with stevia, it did not taste sweet at all to me. Perhaps it was just a subtle hint of sweet that did not register significantly.

This is my first time eating buffalo meat and I can't tell the difference. All in all, what I can say is that this is a darn good rendang for something that comes out of a packet. 

One day I am going to cook some rice and make acar to go with this rendang. That would not make it a ketogenic meal but what the heck. Sekali-sekala (one in a while) eat rice ok mah?

One packet of this rendang is just nice for one person (me) but if you are eating this with rice and other dishes then I'd say it's good for two. I am adding this rendang to my way of eating for variety. 


  1. It's great to have a choice of keto rendang (I love rendang, beef especially) but then to eat it without rice, it's like....hmmm. If you were to give me buffalo or cow, I too wouldn't be able to tell them apart in terms of taste (some of the beef rendang I've eaten in the past may actually have been buffalo). I believe buffalo meat is more expensive? This one looks good except for the abundance of oil I see at the bottom of the plate. I noticed you steamed it directly in the pack (some even instruct you to boil it in the packet itself) which (somehow) I'm always weary of doing (I once accidentally poured out the contents of instant noodles together with the aluminium-packed seasoning packet into boiling water and was so afraid that I threw away the instant noodles). I guess it's my fear of not wanting to eat anything cooked directly in aluminium foil (heeding our late TM's advice). That's why I also use baking paper instead of aluminium foil these days when roasting chicken (which I see you subscribe to too, so I'm rather surprised to see you do this). I may give this a try (hopefully it's not too spicy for me) but I would pour out the contents lah before steaming...lol! :D

    1. hah..hah...I know what you mean, rendang is meant to go with rice or even bread. You are quite right, not safe to heat up in the pack. I was just too lazy that day >.< Of course in future to pour contents into my corningware first before reheating. The abundance of oil is necessary since the spice paste needs a good amount of oil to be sauteed properly. You could discard the oil, can pour it out of the pack first before emptying the rest of the contents for heating up. I have no idea the price of buffalo since I have never bought any. But I reckon it is cheaper or else the manufacturer would have opted for beef.

  2. Wow! Sounds tasty. If the buffalo meat is soft and the rendang not that spicy, then I would love to eat it with rice. Thanks for the review. 😋

    1. The meat is soft but could be a tad too spicy for you.

  3. I bought a pack not long ago when a hypermarket had a promo and free tasting. It was spicy, I remember. Hubby thought it was good, so we bought a pack. Still in my freezer. Lol

    1. Still in your freezer? hah..hah...hah...

  4. I'm totally ok to eat curry or rendang without rice (although it's more salty and eat with rice definitely better A LOT!)!

    1. hah..hah...definitely eaten with rice is lots lots better!
