Wednesday, 28 August 2024

We Love Chicken!

So far so good. My kitties love chicken. Now that the kittens are 6 months old and still growing, I have to increase the chicken quota to 3 chickens per week due to their voracious appetite.

It's a good thing that the price of chicken has come down a bit. I also supplement their food with chicken liver as well. I save something like RM180.00 per month ever since switching to real chicken instead of processed wet cat food.

Every morning my kitties are all excited and make a lot of noise outside my door. They even climb the grill door thinking that they can somehow enter the house.

The moment I open the door, they rush into the house. All I need to do is clang the dishes and they rush outside again, eager to eat their chicken and liver.


I prepare three plates. Two of the plates are meant to be shared by four - mama cat and the three kittens. Girl gets her own plate. But sometimes, she joins in the fun and shares a plate with them.

Ah Boi is done with her meal. See how shiny she is. I attribute that to her good nutrition.

Poodie is shiny too but it is not so obvious due to her variegated coat.

TuTu is also very shiny hee..hee...

She is waiting to ambush the moment I open the front door.

See, Ah Boi is sleepy after a good feed.

Ah Ma also ate chicken that day.

No marination, just air fried and after that seasoned with salt and pepper.

I cut the chicken into cubes and plonked them onto a plate of kimchi

It was so good!


  1. Good morning. Happy to see your cat's family update. Cats can sleep anytime in the day which I observed, it makes no difference to them whether it is day and night. Ah boi is born like that, with shiny fur or maybe true is due to her nutrition too as I observed my neighbourhood stray cats do not have shiny fur due to canned and processed food which the public feed them. Chicken is good enough with it's juices so no need any marination at all. I am having hainanese chicken rice (鸡尾) today with extra serving of oily steamed chicken rice. Slurps. Lunch I am having roasted pork rice. Have a wonderful day ahead. It is cooling over SG side and it rained in the middle of the night. Loving the weather.

    1. Good morning! Cats sleep a lot. I love the Hainanese Chicken rice steamed chicken. I can eat two bowls of rice LOL! It has been raining and I love it as it is a very welcome change to the terribly hot weather.

  2. Thank you for this entertaining tale. I can imagine all of them rushing into the house and rushing out again to eat 😄 😂🤣🤣😂

    1. Kittie Kat even runs upstairs >.<

    2. I hope Kittie Kat knows to quickly run out again else everyone would have eaten up her share of food as well 😁

    3. LOL! I have to chase her out and most times, she lets her kittens eat first and what is left over, then she will eat. What a good mama she is.

  3. I worry that the chicken taste will be too strong for my liking if it isn't marinated. >_<

    1. I used the Aquina Pineapple chicken and for me the smell is not too strong, just natural chicken smell which I find quite all right.

  4. I knew must be your kitties! Actually 3 chickens don't seem like a lot (contrary to what I thought) coz that means it's only about half a chicken a day (which equals to 1/4 chicken per feed for 5 cats assuming they're fed twice a day). That actually seems quite little for 5 ferocious eating

    1. Well, if I did not supplement with chicken livers, then I might have to do 4 chickens per week. LOL!
