Saturday 10 August 2024

Nasi Ambeng @ Dapor Cik Oli, Damansara Utama

There is this little restaurant located at a very quite part of Damansara Utama.

It's Dapor Cik Oli which I can see every time I use the overhead bridge to cross over to Damansara Jaya.

At the end of April 2024, I paid a visit to try their Nasi Ambeng because I was curious. Besides, I love Malay food.

The menu is short and compact. There is the Signature Dapor Cik Oli dishes and starters ....

And then the Nasi Series, Malaysian Favorites, add on dishes and sides ...

And beverages and dessert. And that's it.

Since I was there for the Nasi Ambeng, that was what I had. I chose Nasi Ambeng Daging which is served which Daging Masak Kicap.

I visited at a quiet time and I was able to take photos of the interior.

My lunch or rather brunch, did not take long to be served.

There are a few components in this dish.

Rice, obviously was the centerpiece topped with a small crispy salted fish. I liked the salted fish which we all know can really open up the appetite.

And then there is (more carbs!) mee goreng (kicap) which is just plain fried noodles and not remarkable. 

The Sambal Goreng Jawa unfortunately tasted pretty flat. I had expected it to be flavorful. Next to it (on the right) was kerisik (shredded coconut toasted until golden brown) which was very nice.

The best thing on the plate was the Daging Goreng Kicap. It was delicious but I found it too sweet for me. It would be great if they could dial down on the sugar content.

The Sambal Power was super power in terms of taste and heat. It was very pedas and sedap! Just the sambal alone with rice would make a nice meal.

There were only three slices of cucumber to freshen things up. I do wish they would be more generous with the cucumber.

So my Nasi Ambeng curiosity is satisfied. It is a very filling meal and left me feeling very full (and bloated).


  1. The salted fish will sure whet our appetite. Sometimes in a meal, not all the components will be satisfactory. So you are most disappointed in the veggie dish sambal goreng jawa with green beans (and potatoes?). Since it is brunch, so it is alright to be filling for you as you hit 2 birds with one stone.

    1. LOL! Yes, like eating two meals at once.

  2. But not very good to feel too bloated. Once in a while due to craving for food and "greedy", I overeat and feel bloated so I can understand the feeling of feeling too full.

    1. I tend to overeat when the food is good and keep reminding myself not to do it but .... LOL!

  3. By the way, I also commented on your "blood test" post.

  4. Ah, I had better leave that spicy sambal alone. If they use less sugar in their dishes I may eat their dishes more often. I like to eat salted fish too. Thank you for reviewing this eatery.

    1. I wanted to comment to the people at the restaurant on the daging masak kicap being too sweet but somehow I didn't because that might be the way it should taste and accepted by majority of their customers.

    2. That is right. They are used to the sweet taste in the food cos it balance the spicy and salty food.

  5. I've had nasi ambeng before (some years back) but don't remember it being an enjoyable experience. I had mine with daging masak kicap. Like you, the only thing I enjoyed was the sambal, serunding kelapa and ikan masin. I, too, like Malay food a lot but have to be weary these days coz they like to use sugar (not sparingly) in their dishes. P/S: I was rather amused when I looked at their menu (for Nasi series) to see that everything is recommended (with a thumbs-up sign)

    1. This Nasi Ambeng is more of a novelty I think, not as special as I thought it was. Yes, the Malay community love sugary sweet food and drinks. I was quite shocked at the level of sweetness of their kopi O when I attended two functions many years ago. Just one sip and I had to abandon the coffee!

  6. We all know they like sweet stuff, so it's not surprise that their food is sweeter, hehe :P
