Wednesday 21 August 2024

Happy Porkie Saturday

This Kar Hiong visit was from the Saturday before mum's birthday

I was very pleased when my brother ordered the Supreme Pork Ribs. That is a very meaty (and fatty) dish which I love.  If I didn't eat anything else, I could probably eat a whole rib heh..heh...

This time the dish was decorated with two "roses" which reminded me of birthday cakes of years past (my childhood) which were decorated with those "biscuit" roses. So nostalgic!

I think the rib on the left was not as fresh because it had a smell and was leaner/drier. The one on the right was perfect. But all the same, I enjoyed the pork and at the end of the meal, my brother let me have the bone hee..hee..

Another dish I was thinking of was the Paku Belacan and my wish was fulfilled. Even though we ordered the large portion, it felt like not enough hah..hah... It was a very good plate of Paku Belacan, very aromatic and savory blend of belacan paste that really opened up our appetites. 

This dish needs no introduction. Somehow I have been able to resist this Honey Pepper Mushrooms which was enjoyed by both mum and brother.

And lastly, the Classic Stir Fried Prawns. This is one of my brother's favorites and it did not disappoint but my brother did mention that the prawns were not as fresh as the ones we had previously.

Meanwhile, TuTu says hi!

Here is a photo of her when she was a wee little kitten. Time flies!


  1. Ah, good food 🤤 you are very strong will to tahan from eating the mushrooms 💪💪💪Tutu is still so adorable. Mari Mari I give her a hug 😻

    1. hee..hee... TuTu loves to be cuddled!

  2. Aww TuTu looks like a lovely lady in tuxedo :)

    My neighbour sent the 3 kittens which were born end of last month in a box at my car porch back to my house with their mum. My neighbour mentioned if I did not want them, she would throw them at the wet market. Kesian the mother & kittens had no where to go, I took them in & place them in a spare cage. They have been in my house for 1 and 1/2 weeks now. One kitten is total black (like Ah Boi), one is grey (the father must be a Siamese cat) & another is like the mother (patches of grey).

    1. You are a true blue cat lover and you neighbor knows who to hand over the kittens to. These are not the same ones that the mother took to the petrol station, right? Sometimes I scratch my head and laugh that I have 5 cats LOL!

    2. My neighbour said she saw me feeding the stray cats. I was so shocked to see the same kittens the mother cat moved to the car wash centre 2 days after giving birth at my house in the box again. Being a stray she has to move around when the place is not safe for her kittens until she realised my house is the perfect place to raise her kittens. Ha ha ha, nightmare for me!

    3. hah..hah... never mind, you are doing a good deed. You might have to send them for neutering to avoid future nightmares!

  3. The first photo of Tu, her eyes look ferocious, is she growing up to be a ferocious, grumpy old lady? But grandma will still love her right? The second photo of Tu as a kitten looks lovely and full of fond memories.

    1. Oh no, TuTu is very sweet and affectionate, just like the time when she was a kitten.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Good to hear that. So the eyes are deceiving.

  4. Just finished reading a book about observation of cats, from their daily lifestyle, eating and toilet habits to their eyes, legs, tails, fur, colours and breeds and their temperaments/characters. Really amusing and very good observation. But too bad, the book is in Mandarin so couldn't share with you. If translate into English, it will lose all the "essence" and "juice" of the Chinese language.

    1. I realized that I am missing out a lot for not knowing my own mother tongue. It's too bad that when I was a child, I was not strongly encouraged to learn Mandarin. I went to a national school where the medium of instruction is in Malay. Although there was Mandarin class organized in the afternoon, I was enrolled but didn't take it seriously to my regret :(

    2. It's alright. We learn from one another.

  5. Good that your family finished all the food and nothing is wasted. And that it was an enjoyable meal.

  6. I see that in the first photo, the carpet which Tu is lying on has the cat cartoon and the Chinese character "猫“ which means cat. Ah, where you bought it from? So appropriate for a cat family.

    1. I bought it online via Lazada because I thought it was cute.

  7. That colourful flower biscuit, so nostalgic! My siblings always fought for these whenever we had birthday cake with those, because we weren't get birthday cake every year. >_<

    1. Your comment made me smile! So you too remember those flower biscuits :)
