Friday, 22 March 2024

Meet The Kats

Well, you have already met them but this is a formal post to introduce the kittens by name.

You all already know mama cat - Kittie Kat who found herself suddenly saddled with mommy responsibilities when she popped three little kitties a month ago.

And here they are.

BoiBoi Kat. This one confirm jantan (male).

Poodie Kat. This one confirm girl.

TuTu Kat. This one I am 50:50 that she is a girl. But if she were to grow a pair of balls, well, no issue. Her name is neutral. It would be a disaster if I named her Daisy and she turned out to be a he.

A day or two shy of their one month milestone, BoiBoi Kat (Ah Boi) climbed out of the box. I put him back inside and he climbed right back out. Very strong and determined, this boy.

This is him doing his Godzilla impression.

So when Ah Boi climbed out, his two sisters followed suit. Haiz! I could no longer contain them and I reckon it is about time that they venture out into the world outside (the box).

Oh! These little fellas took it all in like fish into water. 

What is the first thing they do? They try to get into Ah Ma's house. Look at that.

TuTu Kat was most upset when Ah Ma denied her entry.

She is the most good looking of the lot.

Ah Boi and Poodie Kat are always together.

Like any siblings, they have their fair share of "fights".

They are confirmed BFF.

Look at that. 

Tutu Kat is more of a loner.

But she does interact with her two sibblings.

Every morning before I go to work, I have a bit of fun with them. 

And when I come home in the evenings, all my troubles and stress disappear when I see them.

They make me laugh and smile.

These kitties are a blessing and they bring Ah Ma much love and joy!

Of course there is the reality of poop and pee and all responsibilities that come with owning pets. But it all depends on your attitude. If you embrace it positively, all is well. But if you are negative about it, resentment will set in.

Here they are saying hello to auntie Girl with mama cat looking on.


  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Wakakakaka!!! You really tickled my ribs to read all their creative names.
    The joy and happiness they bring you is priceless. Reminds us that problems outside are human made and nothing is permanent.

    1. Ah yes, but sometimes cleaning up makes me a bit sour faced. LOL!

  2. OMG where did you get the names for the kittens? Tutu & Boiboi are the most beautiful & good looking for me. Luckily Girl seemed friendly with the kittens.

    1. hah..hah..hah... I want them to have more unique names.

  3. Poodie Kat has such a special name. Is there a story behind this name? Thank you for the naming introduction. Wah, good to see Auntie Girl is ok with them. Hopefully Auntie Belle Belle won't spank them.

    1. That name came about when I was looking at her when she was just a few days old. She had a big head and a very pink nose and I found that so cute. And somehow the name Poodie Kat came inti my head! Auntie Belle is still grouchy :(

  4. Double exact comment posted again when I press submit once only so had to delete the duplicate comment.

    Thank you grandma for the lovely photos and captions.

    Aiyor, why tutu kat is wailing her ❤️ out. They all look so adorable posing outside grandma's main house door. 😻

    1. No problem. I will delete the extra comment.

      I will one day look back at those photos with fond memories!

  5. I wonder are all mommy cats have motherly love for all kitten no matter if the kittens are their owns or not.

    1. I don't know but if their own, it is instinct that make them care for the kittens.

  6. Well, hello to the happy Kat family....Kittie Kat, Poodie Kat, Tutu Kat & BoiBoi Kat...and an even happier grandma! ;) And my favourite is, of course, Tutu Kat. If Tutu Kat indeed turns out to be a girl, perhaps you can buy her a tutu....hehehe! :D

    1. Hello from the Kat family! I think TuTu Kat is the most popular due to her very good looks. Typical, right? hah..hah.. on the tutu. My little ballerina!
