Tuesday 20 February 2024

Pork Belly Kimchi Jigae

Ten days before I cooked this batch of kimchi jigae, I used the previous batch of kimchi to prepare these two containers.

The kimchi was not up to standard, so it was repurposed for this kimchi jigae.

There is a hidden treasure buried inside the kimchi.

The two containers were stored in the fridge for 10 days.

 Ten days later, I took both containers out from the fridge.

Phewwww........... the smell! LOL! 

Can you see the buried treasure?

I fished out the pork belly.

All together there were 4 pieces of pork belly, two per container.

Now it was time to cook using the slow cooker.

One layer of kimchi and one layer of pork belly. Then I added chicken broth.

I also sauteed some aromatics - onions, garlic and spring onions and dumped those into the pot.

I also added a secret ingredient - doenjang, Korean fermented soy bean paste.

It is very pungent in a delicious way.

I added one tablespoon of doenjang and two chicken stock cubes.

Then I left the kimchi jigae to cook on its own.

After a few hours, I got this pot of delicious kimchi jigae that would be the envy of any ajuunma.

I removed the pork belly to be evenly distributed among my containers.

Now I scoop the soup into the containers.

There you go. Four containers of kimchi jigae. There were extras (without pork belly) and I kept these in two bigger containers. I can always add boiled pork belly later on.

Watch this video and see if you are not tempted.


  1. Wah, so good 😊 πŸ‘ now you can have kimchi jigae anytime you want to. Can last you for how many months?

    1. Not so long. I finished in 2 weeks LOL!

    2. Wah, so means u all all your kimchi jigae already by now! Wow!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

    3. Hahahaha, left out the word gone.

  2. I saw a layer of oil floating on your stew, but your pork bellies didn't look that fat, is the oil render from those pork?

    1. Yes from the pork belly and some is from the sauteed onions/spring onions.

  3. u can now open a side business of selling your kimchi and kimchi jigae. Perhaps BBQ meat too!

  4. Wah. Sure the envy of kimchi lovers. Haha. Your kimchi jigae sure looked good.

    1. Thanks, only kimchi lovers can appreciate this.

  5. Nope...I'm not tempted by kimchi jigae...lol. I too see that layer of oil which is probably from the fatty pork belly (I think choi yen couldn't see the fatty parts as they were covered by the paste coz pork belly is never not fatty...haha). With kimchi jigae in your diet, you're at least consuming a fair amount of vegetables into your system (which is good to me lah but maybe not so to the strict carnivores).

    1. Of course, you don't like kimchi LOL! I am not a strict carnivore and I admit that I still love veggies hee..hee...

  6. I really love your containers of prized Kim Chi Jigae. I wished my share is there 😍😍😍😍

    1. Ah...you can easily cook this in your slow cooker. Buy the ready made kimchi and pork belly. I have done this before. Selamat mencuba!
