Thursday, 22 February 2024


Today we interrupt normal programming with an announcement.

This morning I was confronted by a black writhing mass (on Belle Belles's bed on top of my shoe rack) which I initially mistook for a snake! 

Three tiny kittens which were probably birthed last night because by the time I saw them, they were clean and dry. I would put their date of birth as 21-02-2024 which means that Kittie Kat got knocked up in December 2023.

Just a week ago, my partner pointed out to me that Kittie Kat could be pregnant because her tummy was bigger than usual. 

I meant to have her spayed but last year 2023 was a turbulent year and I did not have the opportunity. Never mind. What is done is done and I will provide for Kittie Kat and her kittens.

I read that a female cat can be spayed as soon as her kittens are weaned (6-8 weeks) and I shall get that done. I will also arrange for the kittens to be spayed once they are old enough for the procedure. 

I treat this as an experience and I will do the responsible thing. Kittie Kat is still young and I was concerned if she would be able to care for her kittens. But I guess she knows what to do. That's the way that it is with animals as they have built in instincts.

Haiz! Kittie Kat! You are a mama now. It felt like it was only yesterday that you were a tiny little kitty.

That was back in March/April 2023.

Don't worry. Ma will take care of you and your kitties. But all of you will have to go to the vet to get snip snip!


  1. Thank you grandma! 💕 Ah, I know I read that they get knocked up pretty young but didn't know can be so young. Who is the father 😤😤😤😤if u c the father, the father should get snipped also instead of going around compromising young ladies like kittie kat.

    Thank you again! I am so touched by you taking good care of all 4 of them when u r tightening your belt so I would like to help too if you allow. Will pm u. 💕😘

    1. Adoi, grandma liao. LOL! I know the culprit. He has been sneaking around my house. Only a few days ago I chased him away.

  2. Congratulations Grandma! You are blessed with 3 grand kids :) Kittie Kat with her comot face looks so innocent & already a mum! How do Girl Girl & Belle Belle react to the kitties? I had a good laugh reading your blog this morning with new born kitties :)

    1. Haiz thank you. LOL! Girl and Belle have not interacted with the little ones yet (they are still fresh, can't move much). Glad I made you laugh.

  3. Oh dear, oh dear. You don't have kids but now end up having 5 "kids" to take care Your story is like one off the TV where the mother was unaware that her kid is I'm surprised you missed that as it's quite easy to spot (I can even see which strays in my neighbourhood are pregnant, the bulge is sideways) not that you can do anything by then. You've a kind heart to be willing to take them all in but you'll have a lot on your hands taking care of 5 furkids and I don't mean only financially. All the best! ;) P/S: Haiz, all also blackish...the father must definitely be a black boy-boy! Know who's the culprit?

    1. Yeah, I got cucu already LOL! I guess I wasn't paying attention and like you said the bulge is sideways which I only noticed last week (when my partner alerted me). What to do? This morning looking at Kittie Kat's innocent (and blur look) face, I felt so much love for her. Well, thanks for your best wishes. Yes, the father is a black and white cat that has been lurking outside my house.

  4. congrats for being upgraded to 'grandma' now. Hope the kitties & mother are in the pink of health! such an auspicious time to be born during CNY season in the year of Dragon...LOL! gong xi gong xi!

    1. Thanks hah..hah... They are all doing well, dragon kittens LOL!

  5. Congratulations for being promoted to grandma now!
