Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Working Is Good

I was reading The Star online when I came upon this news article.

See that? That would be me, I will be part of the statistics. I used to dream about retiring and spending time with my cats, gardening and maybe go on a cruise etc etc etc. 

But. Life happens. Events beyond my control happened and plans have to be shelved.

However, I have come to the realization that for as long as I am mentally and physically capable, working beyond retirement will be good for me.

Keeping my brain alive and ticking and continuing to learn new things will enrich my life. I also endeavor to stay positive and keep getting a good dose of Vitamin G (gratitude).

Contrast that to staying at home (with nothing much to do) and becoming a cesspool of negativity, ruminating over past events (which is already water under the bridge) and not counting one's blessings.

Some weeks ago I had to pass by The Starling to go for lunch.

There was a travel fair held at the concourse.

See that? So many people visiting the fair and sitting down to a discussion of their travel plans.

So many people have so much money and time to go for a cruise or what not. Me?

Counting my blessings, at least I have money to eat roast duck wahahahaha!!!

After lunch I went for a walk. The space vacated by Near To is now occupied by a dessert place, Snowforte. This row of shops is quite honestly not viable for restaurants or cafes. But, we'll see.

I passed by a hardware shop and guess who I ran into?

This cute little pooch. It was so sweet and friendly, a very well trained doggie because it stayed in the shop and did not cross the threshold. After a few head rubs I had to go.

TK Bakery was in the Halloween mood.

I don't do this Halloween thing lah. I am very pantang. Don't play play with this hantu stuff.


  1. Good morning! Yes, that would be me also. Work until I cannot work. I see many aunties and uncles who retire are too free and nothing to do but to kaypoh into other people's lives and spend their time gossiping which is so meaningless and negative. I gained satisfaction from my work even though honestly sometimes it gets tired, at least I earn an honest living. Tired, also means at night you can fall asleep better and you can sleep well. Yah, talking about this halloween thingy, there was once I read in the news that in Korea, due to Halloween's celebration there was a stampede and many were injured and many died. So this reminds us that fun can sometimes turn out into sorrow, suffering and regret so one must be careful.

    High five! PH! Gratitude and counting your blessings are really positive and that is what I do everyday to reflect. I will count what I should be thankful for, for that day and that makes me happy. Every morning savouring a cup of aromatic coffee in my master bedroom with priceless greenery scenery and melodies of birds chirping, birds flying in the woods in front of me. Isn't that heaven on earth? But there are many people who don't know how to appreciate that and all they know are to fight over money. Hiaz.

    1. Good morning! Glad to know you are of the same thinking. It is so true that joy can turn into tragedy. I read about an incident where a family had an outing at the beach and next thing that happened was a few of the family members drowned. So tragic and sad.

      I see that you are also getting your daily dose of vitamin G! Some people complain about what they don't have (always comparing with other people) instead of appreciating what they have.

    2. I know of people who do not need to work hence their full time job are to be keyboard warriors and cyber bullies, there are such people around in our current era.

    3. Oh ya. That's terrible >.<

  2. Aiyo that cute little pooch. So cute right? Look at his/her face. Muacks!

    1. hah..hah... I was very taken by this cute doggie.

  3. Good that you can continue to work way past the official retirement age. I hope that one day you may share your story of how a science student decides to do accounting. 🀞 Have a good day! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’— Agree with counting our blessings.

  4. i just realised Halloween is same day as Deepavali. I also agree to work past retirement to keep the brain active and alive, lol! But i hope by then people would hire me....coz usually employers prefer young blood who are more up-to-date with technology & energetic, rather than senior citizens whom they see as slow and unable to cope with pressure....mana tau suddenly heart attack due to overstress/overwork....And employers mostly shy away from hiring people past 50+ years old to avoid all these nuisances.

    1. Oh ya, hor? Halloween has caught on here among the younger set. Your view is correct about the attitude of employers towards senior job applicants. But if you have skills and are contributing positively towards the companies performance, then they may consider extending your period of employment, maybe by way of contract. The problem is some seniors do not have IT skills. My firm did hire one before but it did not turn put well, the person could not learn basic spreadsheet and even had trouble learning to use the photocopier machine. LOL!

  5. It's easily get sick if you when retired and do nothing at home. >_<

    1. That's right. We must have something purposeful to do, or else we deteriorate very fast.

  6. Yeah, working for as long as you can while you still can will keep the mind active. Retirement may not be what it's cracked up to You may think you can finally enjoy buffets at half price only to find out you can't eat all that much when age catches up with you...hah..hah.

    1. I think I can still work the buffet and get my money's worth wahahaha!!! It is true that work keeps us mentally fit. So I will be coming to office for many more years to come.

  7. You are your own boss so you can keep hiring yourself way past the retirement age. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😊
