Friday, 4 October 2024

A Ribeye and A Sirloin

Long before I adopted a meat-based diet, I had no clue what is a ribeye or a sirloin or a porterhouse. Steak is steak to me hah..hah...

I saw these at Jaya Grocer the other day.

Sirloin (or also knows as striploin) 200g (RM27.90).

Ribeye 200g (RM38.90). Both of these are grain fed beef and had these been grass fed, they would have cost more.

I did not get a good sear on the steaks because I cooked them in a non-stick pan instead of cast iron. Ribeye is on the left while sirloin is on the right.

Oh, I clarified the (incorrectly labelled) steak cuts that I bought from Feast Market even though I was very sure that what I bought and received were ribeyes.

After the steaks were rested, I sliced them.

Because I was very hungry, I added 3 eggs to my plate.

I ate the meat and eggs with homemade kimchi.

I don't eat so expensive everyday lah. Most times I rely on beef trimmings which are more affordable.

This packet is very fatty and that's why I bought it. Most times, the trimmings are lean which I dislike (and won't buy).


  1. Thank you for sharing about these info about steaks. Thank you to you, now I know a lot about steaks πŸ₯© 😁

    1. I just shared only two cuts LOL! The rest I am blur.

  2. I cannot differentiate those beef cut also. >_< So Ribeye is a better cut because it's more expensive, haha!

    1. I actually prefer sirloin. Which is good, I save money hah..hah...

  3. Yeah, I recognise the ribeye by its fat in the centre which I couldn't see with the label pasted over it. Since you mentioned that yours was pretty lean, it would be best to check with the supplier to make sure.

    1. In future I probably won't buy grassfed since the meat is so lean.
