Wednesday 2 October 2024

Homemade Yogurt in Jars : No Yogurt Maker Required

Well, I was in the mood to experiment. 

After watching many Youtube videos, I found that people who use fresh (pasteurized) milk inevitably boil the milk and cool it down before making yogurt. So leceh.

What if I used the milk straight up without boiling? There is only one way to find out.

So I bought two small bottles of Farm Fresh full cream milk.

The one on the left is 568ml while the one on the right is 200ml. So in total I had 768ml of milk.

Other tools required - One big (1 liter) and small (300 ml) measuring cup, 4 glass jars (250ml) with lids and my trusty insulated pot.

I poured the milk (straight from the fridge) into the measuring cups, more into the big one and less in the small one. Then I scooped one tablespoon of yogurt from the previous batch and mixed into the milk in the small cup (and stirred to combine).

After that I poured the milk + yogurt mixture into the big cup and stirred some more to combine.

The milk + yogurt mixture was then divided equally into the 4 glass jars.

Next I poured hot water and some room temperature water into the inner vessel of the insulated pot. The idea is to create a water bath in which to immerse the jars for incubation.

The water must not be too hot, just comfortably warm ie your finger must be able to tolerate the heat. I know this is unscientific without the use of a thermometer but heck, I don't want to buy extra equipment.

Then I placed the jars into the pot. The water must cover the jars just below the rim.

After that I closed the lid of the insulated pot.

I let this stand for 10 hours (from 6:00pm to 4:00am the next morning).

The next morning I removed the jars from the insulated pot.

See, the yogurt is set.

Look at that.

The yogurt is thick and creamy.

So good! Now I know it is possible and safe (no stomachache after consuming the yogurt LOL!) to make yogurt without boiling the milk and without the use of a yogurt make.

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