Thursday 24 October 2024

The Devil Made Me Do It

That's the excuse some serial killers use to justify why they did what they did. So do serial carb addicts. Tsk!

One fateful day (this was some 5-6 months ago) I passed by Halla Holla and saw their specials on the board.

What caught my eye was the French Toast with Own-Made Berries Jam. French Toast + Berries, the two word combo broke me hah..hah... (not the devil, apparently)

So. It was a Monday. And I needed cheering up.

Good coffee always does that. But of course a little something else won't hurt heh..heh...

Oh. It came with ice cream, which I didn't expect.

I would have preferred it without the ice cream. 

Honestly, I couldn't even taste the French Toast. It was all sweet upon sweet. So it was a bit of an anti-climax. Won't order this again. I am sure other people would enjoy it but I didn't.

With all the sugar in my blood .... I didn't go to the gym. I walked past it on my mall walk. The whole mall is my gym. No need to pay money to huff and puff using all those torture exercise machines.

That's when I discovered ETC was moving out.

So I walked inside to see if there was anything worth picking up.

I have so many pots and pans already in the kitchen and yet I was eyeing this grill pan.

Walk away. Walk away. 

Go and look at cats better. Haiz.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning! Yes, good coffee does do the job of cheering one up. However, a study shows that maximum number of cups of coffee one should have in a day is 3 to 4 cups, beyond that, is the opposite effect, a person can get depression if consume too much coffee as in overdose. For me, maximum I would have 3 in a day. Ahhh, pots and pans and all those pretty and useful things very tempting right? So you have to psycho yourself to "walk away, walk away". LOL! Can walking helps to "lower" or "burn out" blood sugar? How does it work? I wonder.

    The french toast with berries and ice cream looked kind of small portion. Too sweet, I would not enjoy too, it has to be just right, sweet but not sweet, not easy to reach that level.
