Monday 14 October 2024

Others Like Me

Like I mentioned in a previous post, there is a community of carnivores in Malaysia, aptly named CARNIVORE-MALAYSIA on Facebook. Currently it is 16,000 strong and growing.

Members share photos of their meals (and other nutritional information) and we keep each other accountable and motivated.

This way of eating is accepted by many and there are medical doctors in this group (led by Dr Razin Jaafar) who act as moderators and advisors.

I am glad that there are medical professionals in our country who are open to the carnivore way of eating, which emphasizes proteins and fats.

The majority of the members are Malay Muslims and as such the meat that you see are mostly beef. As non-Muslims, we respect the majority and do not post non-halal meats.

I get inspiration from other members of the group as to what and how to cook.

They mostly use tallow (beef fat) and ghee as cooking oil.

The community also leans on bone broth as part of their nutritional intake.

I am not suggesting that everyone adopt the carnivore diet. But what I want to say is don't be afraid of protein and animals fats. 

Protein is an important building block for your muscles, hair, nails and even your bones. Fats are also crucial and don't forget, your brain is largely made up of fat.

I know that cholesterol is a controversial issue, so I will not say much. Even if I share a Youtube video on this subject, I doubt if anyone would be interested enough to click.

Since we are made of proteins and fats, it makes sense that we should consume proteins and fats to maintain and build upon the health and integrity of our body.

I am not against carbs, as you can see in this blog, I still enjoy carbs although not as frequently as I used to. 

What I will say is, stay away from sugar as far as possible, even artificial sweeteners. A little bit infrequently is ok. And most of all, avoid processed foods and seed oils (they are highly inflammatory). It will make a very big difference to your well being.


  1. My uncle is a meat eater and he is robust and strong in his 70s. Pork trotters, pork belly, pig livers, chicken and even beef. Sometimes whether how old you live till depends on fate. There are so many types of illness and diseases in this world, cancer, diabetes, kidney failure, liver problems, pneumonia, shingles, dementia, parkinson's disease, etc etc, no matter how you try to avoid, if you are fated to die of a particular illness or reason, it is all fated. I miss Mr TM, if he is around, he will put in his thoughts on this topic also.

  2. Good morning! It is raining heavily in SG now. A cooling weather.
