Thursday 10 October 2024

Food At Home

The food that I eat at home is not pretty. That's why I hardly post it. Besides it's the same old same old.

I recently discovered a community of carnivores right here in Malaysia. The group is called CARNIVORE MALAYSIA and they are on Facebook with 16,000+ members.

This is a closed group, so membership is approved via screening by the admin. Yup, I got myself admitted. I am happy to note that there are others like me embarking on this way of eating.

Now back to my home cooked meals. Though my food does not look appealing, it does not mean that the meats do not taste good.

This one was particularly memorable. Beef trimmings marinated with curry power, turmeric powder and garlic salt. It tasted like dry beef curry after I air fried the whole thing in the air fryer.

Usually I keep the seasonings simple, just salt.

I also eat chicken from time to time. I enjoy chicken wings cooked in chicken broth. 

Another favorite is pork belly and kimchi

Sometimes I mix chicken wings and pork in my soup. Doesn't look good but tastes divine!

This was dinner yesterday. Pretty much the same old stuff. But I enjoy it and feel my best eating this way.


  1. Good morning! Ya, they look like poo but they are very tasty. The chicken and pork belly look more pleasant LOL!

    1. OMG.... I can't believe you said poo. LOL!

  2. have you tried pork jowl? when cut to strips, it's a poor man bacon. I buy it from Oriental shop, NSK grocer at Summit USJ

    1. Ah! Thank for the suggestion. I have yet to try pork jowl and looking forward to it :)

  3. Glad you found your carnivore community right here in Malaysia. Your chicken wings soup I believe is made with regular chicken coz the broth is not yellowish. Once you taste it cooked with kampung chicken, you won't go back to regular chicken...hah..hah.

    1. Good morning Kris! I like regular chicken more than kampung chicken. Kampung chicken the skin is yellowish in color and does not taste as good as regular chicken. That's just me.

    2. There are 2 types of chicken I believe that have yellowish skin...both we call kampung chicken. According to my chicken vendor, kampung chicken is thinner, tougher with even more yellowish skin but with a more intense chicken flavour (I actually don't like this one as I find the meat too tough and the skin can be too fatty at times). The other is choi yin kai (also referred to as kampung chicken) which I love. Poached chicken with this type of chicken is the best...and if you make a soup out of it, the yellowish broth is more fragrant with a more intense chicken flavour. If you're willing to pay for a whole choi yin kai and boil it with only a little water (or just their drippings) which my MIL has made before (for my FIL when he was sick), the flavour is out of this world. Since you drink chicken soup quite often, try to make it with this type of chicken once and I can guarantee you'll like the flavour better. ^_~

    3. Thanks for sharing Kris. Now I know there are 2 types of kampung chicken. I think what I had eaten in SG is the first type which like you said is tough.

    4. two types... I wonder which is the one commonly sold at the supermarket, since I don's shop at the wet market. I will give it a try one of these days and will report back! LOL!

  4. Thank you for sharing about your meals. Will be very useful to me if I decide to eat air fried beef trimmings because now I see rice I get very scared 😟 so may need to eat beef for more nutrients in the future. Good to hear that you are accepted into one local carnivore community. Yay! 👏 👏 👏 😊

    1. Now I can't eat as much rice as I used to. If I eat too much carbs, I get so bloated >.<

  5. Beef trimming marinated with curry powder looked like Rendang Daging. :P
