Monday 1 January 2024

Happy 2024!

Happy New Year! Well, I can't exactly say that I woke up happy this morning. But as the morning progressed I felt better.

Let's hope that 2024 is a better year for all of us, eh? My family and I had a terrible 2023. With mum and dad having medical issues it was not only mentally and emotionally challenging but also financially draining.

So I can say that, borrowing on a Latin phrase used by the late Queen Elizabeth, 2023 was our annus horribilis

I am not in the habit of making new year resolutions and it is the same this year. However there are some things I want to change or improve on.

One of the things I want to do is read more. To improve my knowledge and stimulate my brain. I used to be a voracious reader when I was young (thanks to my late grandfather's influence) but when I started working, I did not have time to indulge in the pleasure of books. I was to tired by the time I came home.

Last year I started my reading habit again, bought lots of books online (via the now sadly closed Book Depository) and completed reading a few of them. 

My first book to read this year is Metabolical (which rhymes with diabolical, which is what processed foods are hah..hah...)

In terms of my eating, well, I am going back to the carnivore way of eating (I don't like the word diet because it is synonymous with weight loss). Simply because it did wonders to my health - mentally and physically. If you are new to my blog, you can read about what carnivore did for me here.

Besides, January is World Carnivore Month

So yesterday, I embarked on my meaty ways.

I fried up some bacon chips, onions and minced beef. I still use onions, garlic, some vegetables and seasonings in my food so I am not 100% strict. This fry up is meant to be used in omelettes. 

I keep the precooked minced beef in the fridge and it saves time when I want to whip up a tasty omelette. 

I also air fried a thin strip of pork belly.

No, I did not get crispy skin because I did not bother to poke the skin. 

I noted that Aeon does not seem to be stocking up on fatty beef trimmings anymore. So sad because this was the last packet in my freezer. I simply seasoned the meat with garlic salt and curry powder.

I couldn't resist one packet of errr.... chicken backside hah..hah...hah...

So that was my new year eve (early) dinner eaten while watching a very interesting documentary on Netflix - Escaping Twin Flames.

Bon appetit! And cheers to a better and happier (and healthier) year ahead!


  1. Happy New Year, PH! Let's hope 2024 will be a much better year for you...and for me too! Cheers!!!

    1. Happy New Year, Arthur! Oh yes, I will drink to that! A better year for me and for you and everyone, Amen!

  2. Hope this year will be better. I also not into new year resolution because I know I wouldn't achieve or have it my own way. Lol. Just wish for realistic goals.

    Happy New Year.

    1. Realistic goals, that's right! Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family! May 2024 be a better year than 2023!

    1. Happy New Year to you and your hubby! Yes, may 2024 be better than 2023!

  4. So, after reading Metabolical, I take it that you won't be eating bacon and sausages anymore? P/S: That bishop's nose is a frightening sight! >_<

    1. Bacon and sausage I will still eat from time to time. At least they contain real meat. The highly processed foods to avoid are things like cereals, junk food and those frozen precooked foods etc and also sauces. There are quite a bit of chemicals, additives and preservatives in addition to the use of seed oils which are toxic.

  5. Happy New Year to you and you family, PH. May what you wish to improve can get a satisfying result!

    1. Same to you and yours! Thanks, 2024 is the year to improve my health.
