Thursday 11 January 2024

Commercial Kimchi

I bought a small tub of kimchi the other day because I wanted to re-introduce fermented foods into my diet. It's good for the gut microbiome.

Making kimchi is not difficult but it is very time consuming. Hence the easy way out heh..heh...

This product is made in Korea.

Very authentic, right?

I found it delicious but as with most commercially made kimchi, it is very salty.

And then I decided to check the ingredients.


So many ingredients/chemicals/sugars including MSG (!!!), xanthan gum, sorbitol, fructose, artificial flavoring etc. Aiyoyo

Cannot lah like that. I will not buy anymore of these. I have to make my own kimchi.

My last kimchi attempt was in 2021 and I will find time to make a batch.

New Study : Fermenting Fruits and Veggies Makes Polyphenols More Effective, Eliminates Carbs and Plant Toxins.


  1. Someone should create a Ketovore buffett in KL. It could be per visit or a subscription service. The hook could be that simply eating here for every meal will almost guarantee you reach your ideal weight/fitness. Of course, that would have to be carefully worded to avoid false advertising. Everything on the menu would be keto/carnivore unless otherwise stated. If there's anything like this already, I'd love to know. Healthy kimchi would also be served :)

    1. I like your comment! Yes, a ketovore buffet would be great. Or another alternative is that restaurants give an option to customize meals (to opt out of the carbs) or one section of the menu that caters to keto/carnivore meals. After all, some restaurants do that for the vegetarians/vegans. Oh yes, kimchi would be a welcome item on the menu hee..hee...

  2. My son and his wife made their own kimchi... I wonder how they did it, he never cooked anything before when he was single... but now both of them are making tubs of kimchi because of Korean dramas! hahaha.. Homemade ones are always healthier than those being sold outside.. hope you will show us your tubs of kimchi soon!

    1. Homemade kimchi is the best since we can adjust our taste and we know that no funny funny things are added. I hope to make mine soon!

  3. Ah, I also long time never eat Kim chi because I don't eat rice and the kimchi is too salty to just eat on its own.

    1. The commercial ones are too salty for me. I will be making my own soon.

  4. My missus made her own. My girl says hers was nicer than those at the Korean restaurants here. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole!

  5. I used to hang out with so many Korean students and even my room mate was a Korean. Their lives were all about Soju and Kim Chi daily. I remembered they tried to make some Kim Chi and it was a terrible disaster. We had headache to dispose it as the smell was horrible and neighbours might call the police.
    If you visit Seoul's department stores, you might get a shock to see them selling hundred trays of fresh Kim Chi made from all sorts of vegetables. I believe your culinary skills can produce the best Kim Chi. I was told that MSG is a must.

    1. LOL! Well, so far from the videos I watched on homemade kimchi, the ladies don't put msg into the kimchi mix.

  6. I don't know how to make Kimchi, so I only can buy those from supermarket, but I seldom eat it. Maybe I should "beg" my friend who can make Kimchi to sell me a jar when she makes it. >_<

    1. LOL! Maybe you can learn from your friend.
