Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Tired of Beef

I am having beef fatigue. So I am now eating pork instead.

Girl was very naughty the other day. I was fooling around with her on the sofa when she scratched me.

I never learn. Don't wave your hand in front of a cat. They inevitably react by scratching because that is play to them. Their claw is very sharp, as sharp as a knife.

Yesterday evening, I air fried a piece of pork shoulder steak. 

I ate the pork with fermented veggies. That was a very satsifying dinner.

This morning I air fried another another two pieces, one for lunch and one for dinner.

I ended up eating one piece for breakfast in the office because I was hungry. So no lunch today. The pork was delicious, tender and juicy. I look forward to the other piece for dinner.

This is  Girl giving me that piercing look while lazing in the sun. She is my number one sayang


  1. The pork shoulder steaks do look delicious and I am sure it was satisfying for you. I love pork too. I am afraid of cats scratching me, that is why I don't keep them other than not knowing how to train them.

    1. I should have known better than to wave my hand at her!

  2. Ouch! Looks painful. I still remember having teeth sink into my ankle 😂
    Your pork chop looks delicious 😋🤤

    1. LOL! Ah Boi likes to bite my ankle >.<

  3. I believe the pork shoulder tastes better if slightly sear on pan. :P

  4. Yes, I know the "pain" when scratched by a cat. My late Cookie used to do that too...that's why I was very cautious when I was around him. I think stray cats born on the streets are like that...wilder, not domesticated. This is not the case with Gone Girl and my present part-time cat. I think they used to have a home (probably offsprings of inhouse cats) but were abandoned, so they're very domesticated (or have been thought how to behave). When they paw you, the nails are always retracted.

    You cook two portions of pork chop in the morning, so you eat cold pork chop for dinner? I'd prefer to cook the 2nd piece at night so that I can eat a hot pork chop! ;)

    1. Haiz! I wish Girl would keep her nails retracted but she doesn't. Yup, a hot pork chop tastes better but I was trying to be practical.
