Saturday, 25 January 2025

Levoit. Where Is Jimmy?

Not too long ago, my brother sent me this video.

It was a promotional reel for Levoit air filters. Levoit is at The Starling, on the first floor, located between HWC Coffee and Dave's Deli.

So of course I dropped by to see Jimmy.

Eh, mana itu kucing?

Adoi. No Jimmy.

Well, apparently Jimmy is too expensive to maintain. He charges very high fees for appearances.

But in all seriousness, if you keep your pet indoors, it is worthwhile to install an air purifier. Even if you don't have pets in the house, an air purifier will help to filter out dust and allergens.

I have two air purifiers at home but of a different brand. Now I don't suffer from bronchitis attacks because the indoor air is cleaner (less dust). Perhaps when my current one konks out, I might try Levoit. But I need to meet Jimmy first.

Meanwhile Ah Boi says hi!


  1. You have to put down your name for Jimmy's next meet-and-greet session then. He only appears for! P/S: There's a Ah Girl stray cat in my neighbourhood that looks exactly like Ah Boi.

    1. Hah..hah... I can't imagine Jimmy at the shop. Unless if he is very well trained, he won't stay within the confines of the shop. So boring :D Oh, there is also an Ah Boi look-alike outside my office! Can't get near it though, it runs when approached.

    2. There is a big fat black stray cat in my neighborhood that runs when it sees rat, my neighbor people told

    3. Cat chased by rat? LOL!

    4. Perhaps the rat is very big size. Lol.

    5. hah..hah..hah... I have watched videos on social media of cats being chased by rats.

  2. I can only see Ah Boi's eyes 😂 her eyes look fierce

    1. Ya, with Ah Boi, can only see her eyes LOL!
