Sunday, 26 January 2025

Chinese New Year At Tang Room

I walked past Tang Room, The Starling and I went to peek at their Chinese New Year menu.

My partner will not come back here because he still can't get over the microscopic chicken that we had back in 2017.

In spite of the steep prices, this restaurant continues to enjoy brisk business.

I looked at the Chinese New Year Gourmet Celebration Set.

Let me enlarge that.

RM1,788.00 for 10 pax.

RM2,188.00 for 10 pax.

RM2,688.00 for 10 pax.

And finally the RM3,288.00 for 10 pax.

They have this Celebration Pot Shunde Poon Choi at RM988.00 for takeaway.

There is also the 4 pax set at RM718.00. This is great for smaller groups.

And also the individual set for the lone wolf flexibility. You can come on your own or bring one or two or any number of persons.

This is the dim sum menu.

I haven't had dim sum in a while.

Well, there will be no grand Chinese dinner for me and I'm fine with that. I will be having a solo Chinese New Year eve makan. Coming soon!


  1. Eh, solo eve dinner? Well, the cats are there with you😄

  2. Ya, you can have a eve dinner with Gurl since only Gurl is allowed into the house 😻

  3. I found that the prices for those CNY set meal have shoot up on this year which really shocked me.

    1. This is the time for restaurants to make a killing. These days, most of us will eat out instead of slaving in the kitchen.

  4. Aiyah, I saw the post title...and was expecting a CNY luncheon with your family after all the set menus. And then...elek, when I reached the end of your post...hah..hah. Looks like we're both going solo this year (your partner also going back to his hometown?)! :D from cooking...except my own (portion)...wahahahaha!

    1. Sorry to disappoint you LOL! Yes, my partner is back in Penang to celebrate with his clan. So it's just me and my cats hah..hah..hah....
