Thursday, 16 January 2025

Obba Jjajang, The Starling

There is another Korean restaurant that just opened at The Starling. It is located just next to Hanam BBQ.

Obba Jjajang.

First in Malaysia from Singapore.
Open soon (that was the day before yesterday).

This should be interesting. 

I wonder if the menu is the same as that in Singapore. Maybe not. 

Then I looked closer.

No pork, no alcohol - for some people that = no fun. No issue for me, I don't take alcohol and if I want pork, I can get my fill of oinks next door at Hanam BBQ.

So I suppose the menu is different from Singapore's then.

This was opening day (yesterday) and I saw a few individuals (I assume management) outside with a photographer. And I snuck among them to kepoh snap this photo. Well, at least now we have two Korean restaurants at The Starling.

I'll visit one day and report back!

Update :

Ah hah! I went to Jaya Grocer just now and on my way there I decided to check the menu. This is how kepoh I am.

There are the set meals.

Jjajangmyeon Noodles.

The one on the top right look like Hokkien Mee. Sorry, I can't help it.

Jaengban Jjajang (quite a tongue twister) which sounds very interesting - Spicy Seafood Beef Jjajangmyeon. There's fried chicken too!

An assortment of Korean Pancakes.

And Korean Soups which I love.

An assortment of dishes and beverages.

Lastly smoothies and canned drinks. Hmmm... I must come here soon!


  1. Good morning! There are many restaurants lining up for you to try (same as me), lol!

    1. Good morning! That is good, right? LOL!

  2. There's always "someone/staff" at the entrance. How did you manage to snap photos of the menu without them "disturbing" you? I'd be too shy to take photos and walk I'm too shy to even snap photos of the menu when given one inside a restaurant (I feel "them" who is this woman trying to take photos of our menu)!

    1. Hi Kris, for me, if I am outside, I would be shy to take photos of the menu, but when I am inside, I am already spending money at their restaurant and taking photos of the menu means I might be interested for a next visit, so I feel ok taking photos of their menu "inside" their restaurant. Not sure what is PH's say and stand on this?

    2. Hi Libby, actually it's fine taking photos of menus (whether outside or inside the restaurant) coz that means we're or we could be interested in what they have to offer. Just that I don't like them "watching" me when I do!

    3. You know something Kris lol...when PH is doing that, she is practising mindfulness (present moment awareness). You must drill your mind to put its whole thought on the act you are now doing. If you tie your shoe, think "shoe" and nothing else...sharpen a pencil for 60 consecutive seconds without thinking of something else...if we can do this, we are possessed of a share of the greatest power in the universe, not only in making ourselves more happy, but also power for doing more of whatever we have to do, and doing it better and better. LOL! So when PH is taking photos of the menu either inside or outside the restaurant, her whole mind is thinking "menu" or "my blog" so she is able to concentrate on the task at hand.

    4. Kris : Ah! These days I don't paiseh LOL! The gentleman that you see in the photo was very accommodating and I asked him for permission to snap photos of the menu. I used to feel uncomfortable in the past but not anymore.

    5. Libby : Wah! Very good and detailed analysis of my brain. LOL!

  3. Ah, it has been quite some time that I eat Korean cuisine. The previous time is at uptown at the Korean restaurant that you wrote about. Nice banchan. πŸ‘ πŸ˜‹

    1. I hope that you get to try this one! I think their serving size is small based on photos I see on Google review.

  4. The dishes look interesting, something not commonly found in usual Korean restaurants.

    1. Apparently it is a fusion of Chinese and Korean.
