Tuesday, 7 January 2025

EatHami, Damansara Utama

Today on the way to Damansara Jaya, I had to deposit a cheque.

As I was crossing the road to go to Public Bank, I spotted this new eatery.

It's called EatHami and is located right above SKL hardware shop. Hmmm... that sounds interesting as EatHami sounds like "eat hamik" the equivalent of the Hokkien "chiak hamik" (eat what).

For context, the location of this shophouse is along the same row as OCBC (at the far end) and Public Bank (where I was headed).

As it is with me, I must be very kepoh when I see a new eatery in the area. This eatery serves healthy meals, something like poke bowls and sandwiches.

See that? They serve coffee. Yay! The only thing I see that I don't like is chicken breast.

Ah! That is the sort of sandwich that makes me go weak at the knees heh...heh... 

If you are an office staff, you can qualify for 15% discount if you show them your staff ID card. Only for dine in, tapau cannot. You can check EatHami's menu here. One fine day, I may drop by.

For now, if you ask me "chiak hamik?" (eat what?) it is inevitably meat.

Last night's dinner, one piece of pork shoulder steak.

Eaten with fermented veggies.

Today pulak, I was supposed to fast. I brought iced black coffee from home to help with my fast.

Mana tau at past 1:00pm, my stomach protested. So I had to go eat.

Eat what? Eat where?

Supreme Mixed Pork Soup at Ding Xiang Nyuk Noodles. No noodles, of course.

This morning again, macho cat made his appearance.



  1. My company doesn't provide staff ID card, how to get discount? >_<

    1. Me too don't have ID card. Maybe show them calling card hah..hah...

  2. The homecooked pork shoulder steak looks yummy with a little oil. I see pig blood in the mixed pork soup. I used to eat a lot of pig blood, I love it but it is now banned in Singapore. Don't know what is the reason. I had sent out the goodie to you today so it will reach you in about one week's time :)

    1. Oh! Thank you in advance or the goodie. So sweet of you paiseh paiseh! The pig blood does not have any strong taste, so I am able to eat it.

  3. I would choose Set B at RM25.90++ if I go eat at Eathami.

    1. Me too I guess because of the kopi :D

  4. I have googled about the reason why pig blood is banned in Singapore. Here it is.

    Pig's blood and other animal blood food products are prohibited in Singapore because blood can easily support the growth of bacteria and may contain diseases. Unhygienic harvesting of blood can also result in the introduction of food-borne pathogens into the products.

    1. Ah! Your government is very strict and that is good.

  5. Ah, will wait for your review of this new eatery. Ya, if hungry then eat. I am feeling hungry all the time nowadays so I ate a lot 😂
    Ah, this fella, his face is really bulat.

    1. My review won't be so soon hah..hah... That fella is fat, so I reckon he is getting regular food from somewhere.

  6. I had a good chuckle when you said "eat what? eat where?"...wahahahaha! P/S: There seems to be a lot of males that's white+black coloured. There used to be one such 'hooligan' in my neighbourhood whom I despised. Story on that perhaps one day.

    1. LOL! After I wrote that, I realized that's your blog hee..hee... The biggest hooligan in my area is that black & white fatso who incidentally is 100% the late TuTu's father. Haiz!
