Thursday 3 October 2024

The Kat Family : #5 Cutie Pies

The little kittens were looking more like tiny little cats. When they were just a few days, they looked funny.

This was day #13 and I noticed that (the late) TuTu was the most good looking kittie.

On day #14 I took a photo of each kittie. Look at Ah Boi. At that time I thought she was a boy. I mean, to me, she had a boy look. Besides she was very active and boisterous (boy behavior). 

She was my little black panther. Not good looking at all. Sorry Ah Boi.

This was my pretty girl, (the late) TuTu. She had a gentle and sweet demeanor. 

She was simply adorable and lovable.

Poodie is my favorite. She is a clone of her mama.

She was a lot more active than TuTu.

This is Ah Boi on day #15. She is better looking in this photo.

She was the most proactive among the three, the first to walk and the first to try to climb out of the box.

Poodie was also active but not as "fierce" as Ah Boi.

Poodie on day #16. 

(The late) TuTu on the same day. The kittens had blue eyes when they were very young but lost that color as the grew older.

***To be continued***


  1. They were so small then. It is wonderful to see them grow with your updates. Thank you ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜ป

    1. Very nostalgic for me as grandma LOL!

  2. Lovely. Thanks for sharing the photos and recap.

    1. It makes me happy looking back at how they started.

  3. They look so tiny in the palm of your meant to say they look more like tiny little rats? Don't know why they protrude their nails when held. A little stray kitten has strayed into my neighbour's house (and now comes constantly to mine coz I fed it) and it would grab on to my legs with its claws...and they're sharp even for kittens.

    1. Yes, tiny rats! LOL! That sounds like what (the late) TuTu and Ah Boi liked(s) to do - grab my leg and that makes my skin itchy. Now I watch out for Ah Boi and make sure she does do her grabby thing hah..hah..
