Thursday, 2 January 2025

A Good Start To The New Year

So what have you all been doing? I spent my new year day and the day after housekeeping. And washing my cats' litter boxes.

In fact today also I am doing housekeeping. My late grandma used to say that housework can never be completed ie it is endless. Betul tak?

I find that to be true. One week also not enough. And I am not even talking about the curtains. Haiz! I am mainly decluttering and wiping the dust off surfaces. There are so many areas in the house that needed attention.

But I also did some other stuff. Like microbiology project.

This is the L. Reuteri yogurt which went viral some years back. You can see loads of Youtube videos on this cultured diary. It looks awful and tastes awful - very strong like strong cheese. Anyway.

This was lunch yesterday.

Salmon and kimchi. The kimchi is store bought because I am too lazy to make my own.

Dinner was chicken wings.

This was eaten while watching Sprint 2 on Netflix. I did mention once before that one of my favorite activities is eating on the sofa while watching other people exercise (in this case, sprint).

Today pulak, this is my lunch. Wah... so high class. Black Angus.

I left it like this in the fridge last evening.

And cooked it today. Want to see ugly fried eggs?


That was my last duck egg. Will buy some more this Saturday. I also need to buy minced beef. I don't eat steaks everyday. 

This was last year's meal. I might have posted this photo, I can't remember.

I know I posted this one.

Just in case you are wondering how are my girls, my number one sayang (Girl) is still around.

This is her accompanying Ma when Ma was watching Squid Game 2.

She is as chubby as ever.

This is us on new year eve.

Here is Ah Boi. Her coat is so shiny.

Ah, sleeping so soundly.

And here's Kittie Kat with a fed up look on her face.

She was interrupted by the look-alike daughter, Poodie.

Well, tomorrow is another day (of housekeeping).


  1. Did you make that L. Reuteri yogurt? Where did you get the starter?
    Thank you for the 😺🐈 photos. All of them are looking so lovely 👍😊

    1. I bought the L. Reuteri tablets online to make the yogurt.

  2. Ah, I have been wanting to eat salmon that day but red kettle only has smoked salmon slices and no grilled salmon. I wonder 🤔 why not. Your salmon looks absolutely delicious 😋🤤

    1. Yeah, they should serve grilled salmon. I had their smoked salmon once, very salty!

  3. I have been eating a lot of fish these few days. Always lovely to see updates of your cute furkids.

  4. New year day was sleep in day and do-houseworks-at-own-pace day. Today 2nd day of the year already started my WFH job hee hee.

    1. Oh! You started work already. I start next week hee..hee..

  5. Tomorrow will be another WFH day. Hee hee.

  6. Happy new year PH!
    It's been a while since e I dropped my comments here.
    Hope every goes all with you & your family.
    I noticed that your have many cats now and you spent a lot of time taking care of them 👍🏻

    1. Happy New Year Puan Hazel (you pun PH LOL!). All is well, thank you and I hope the same for you and your family. Yes, I have many cats now hah..hah... Thank you for stopping by!

  7. That last photo gave me a chuckle when I thought of someone complimenting a mother (who was out with her daughter)...are you both sisters? I would say that to! Ha, enjoying your new year with your beloved Girl still the only cat you let into the house? P/S: You eat 9 pcs of wingettes (= 4 1/2 full wings) in one meal...and I eat 3 pcs (= 1 1/2 full wings) but with a small potato and 1/2 a capsicum/broccoli, of course! ;D

    1. LOL! I sometimes confuse the two of them. Yes, Girl is the only privileged one to come into the house. Ah, you must have your carbs and veggies hee..hee...

  8. Good morning! I just found a book titled All cats are introverts by Francesco marciuliano which covers "poems" from cats who just need some me time on your sofa and just won't answer you no matter how many times you call. Quite an hour read.

    1. Good evening! My girls are like that sometimes, I call and they just make dunno. LOL!

  9. *quite an interesting read.

  10. One of the poems titled Answering calls, reads: why don't I answer whenever you call? Maybe I'm too focused on a project and don't wish to be interrupted. Maybe I'm too caught up in my own thoughts. And can't quite catch what you are saying. Maybe I'm just busy tearing open your couch or thinking how I tore open your couch. Or don't feel like talking about your couch. When what's done is done. And also I threw up a little inside it. So maybe I'll get back to you some other time. Sounds familiar to you PH? Hee hee.

  11. I just started watching Squid Game Season 1, haha!
