Tuesday, 9 April 2024

My Recent Ugly Meals

Or shall I say my recent very unappetizing looking meals. It can't be helped, carnivore foods are very monochrome and not attractive looking.

In fact my partner freaked out a little bit when he saw me eat this.

What is that?! What is that white white thing?! Look like "seh koh" (moldy) like that!! He even put on his reading glasses to peer more closely at this container of horrors.

It's air fried beef trimmings straight out from the fridge. The while stuff is solidified fats. Yes, I can eat this cold and I can accept the taste.

Chicken wings for dinner. Just plain no marinade except for salt when it comes out from the oven.

And my usual soup with a poached egg.

Wings and soup.

These fried eggs at least look more presentable especially with bacon and onion sprinkles.

So that's what I ate last week. 

***Kitten Updates***

I set up a spot on an old shoe rack for the kitties. By the way, I am not advertising for ProDiet. That's the brand I buy because it is among the more affordable ones. And I throw the empty boxes around for the kitties' amusement.

I want them to have a safe place to play and hangout and hopefully they won't stray too far from homebase.

Tutu and Poodie have made themselves very comfy at that spot.

This Ah Boi is never far from his mama. Here they are under my partner's car.

Poodie sometimes prefers to just hangout on the ground. maybe it is cooler there.


  1. Aww, Ah Boi is mama's boy :)

    1. He is! He is always close to his mama.

  2. I can't eat fried food in frozen form like that. >_<

    1. It wasn't frozen, just cold from the fridge.

  3. I believe I can eat your deep fried beef trimmings direct from the fridge. 😁
    Ya, all the boxes and the cushions look very comfy. Thank you grandma. I also πŸ™ the kittens will just stay at home obediently. At least the girls will cos the boys will normally go far far away to look for girlfriends once they reach puberty unless they get snip snip before puberty.

    1. So far so good. They also like to play in the garden. I will have all of them snip snip. No chance for boyfriend or girlfriend. LOL!

  4. I can understand why your partner was freaked out. I, too, can't eat congealed fat like that...the sight of it alone turns me off. >.<

    1. I would have been turned off too in the past but somehow now it seems like normal LOL!
