Friday 17 May 2024

Another Awesome Ribs

As usual, last Saturday we were at Kar Hiong for our once weekly lunch.

At the nursing facility, mum asked dad if he wanted to come home. My cousin had earlier suggested to me that perhaps dad could return home to spend his remaining days with mum.

But dad declined because he had seen the toll taken on mum's health when she nursed him full time. He told mum that he is pretty much settled in at the nursing home and there he would remain.

It is sad when we come to this stage of our life but what to do? We have to be realistic and practical about the whole matter and not be emotional about it.

At Kar Hiong, we ordered the same three dishes and one new dish.

The Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves (L) was garlicky and delicious.

The Honey Pepper Abalone Mushrooms (L) were as delicious as ever.

This was my brother's order, the Supreme Pork Ribs (L). Oh wow, it was really good! Meaty and tender. They gave more sauce this time which my brother appreciated. My brother let me have the bone hee..hee..which had lots of meat attached to it.

This is the new dish that we ordered. The Curry Steam Fish (Tilapia). It was not bad, we quite enjoyed this dish.

After lunch, it was back to the office to work, work, work >.<

***Kitten Updates***

This photo was taken one day before Kittie Kat was taken to the vet.

This is what they do when they hang around at home.

When they get tired of the same old environment, they either go next door or to the opposite house.

This is the first time I see Poodie on the cat bed.

Ah Boi and TuTu relaxing.


  1. I love your family being so honest and open in communication. Salute to your father for thinking of your mom and all of you. He really loves all of you. I also will select to stay in a professional facility when my time is here if I can afford it. Schools really should everyone on how to manage this because this is the reality for everyone so should be manage in a rational way without letting emotions get in the way.

    Good πŸ‘ for all of you, especially your father. 🫑

    1. Thank you, sometimes it is hard as this is someone we love very dearly.

  2. Your grandkids are big kids now. Soon it will be their turn after their mama. πŸ’• Thank you grandma for providing them with such a cozy area to live in. 😻

    1. After September I will send them for their snip snip!

  3. Your daddy is a good man and a very understanding husband to your mom. Easy said than done when we said we should not get emotional about the whole thing as our hearts are made of flesh and blood and he is your beloved daddy who brings you up. I can understand because I had been through it. Yet, we should always remind ourselves to stay strong and to learn to be independent. This is life. Everybody comes and goes. And nothing is forever.

    1. You are right, Libby. It is very hard when it comes to our own parents. My family have accepted that this is the way to move forward.

  4. Your kiddy and grandkids have such a comfy environment to live in. I saw a plush toy tree trunk for feline online recently. So interesting.

    1. hee..hee.. I try to make it comfy for them but they still like to jalan-jalan at neighbor's house.

  5. I love all the four dishes that your family had at Kar Hiong. They looked yummilicious.

    1. The food at Kar Hiong is good - got standard!
