Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Plants Along The Way

Now when I take my (almost) daily walks to Damansara Jaya, I am more aware of the plants and flowers along the way.

It looks like there are many Frangipani plants in Damansara Utama and Damansara Jaya. This one was growing outside a house located near a junction.

Aren't these so pretty?

This young plant was outside a house along the same road as my brother's house. 

I see that this Jasmine plant is quite popular as it is planted outside many houses.

Some people pluck these pretty flowers for prayers.

Then outside a corner house I spotted this lime plant.

This is Calamansi lime. I also have one in my garden but it has never flowered. Bah!

I wonder if this was planted by the house owner.

Then I came upon more flowers.

I refer to these as "Kindergarten Flower" because I remember these flowers were growing at the kindergarten I attended donkey years ago (St Theresa Kindergarten in Kuala Terengganu).

And then there were these flowers (also from my childhood memories) that made me smile.

They are rather pretty but have a strong smell - Bunga Tahi Ayam (in Hokkien Kay Sai Hua) or translated in English - Chicken Poop Flower hah..hah...hah...

Ah! These are lovely, don't you think?

The color is very sweet.

This one is another Frangipani which is growing outside Alliance Bank, Damansara Uptown. So those were the flowers for the day!


  1. Good morning! I just finished my big cup of black tasty kopi with million dollar greenery scenery in my bedroom while blogging and talking to you hee! Thanks for sharing these lovely flowers photos. I like Frangipani flowers as they look thick and "milky" and there are many other flowers which I like too. In short, I love nature, even hearing birds chirping gives me a peaceful feeling. Have a good day ahead!

    1. Good afternoon! Wow! How I envy you, million dollar scenery with big cup of black tasty kopi, priceless! I can also hear birds chirping in my garden but I only get to enjoy that weekends.

  2. Thanks for taking the effort to share these flowers photos PH! Looking at these beautiful flowers makes my mood beautiful too! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome! I love sharing photos of lovely plants and flowers.

  3. Good to stop and smell the roses. Jasmine flowers smell very nice 👍🙂 I like frangipani flowers too so we planted a red frangipani flowers tree and it has grown way too big now. 😂

    1. Yes, it has a calming effect and can make me smile. Hah..hah... that's the way that it is with some plants, before you know it, it has become a big tree!

  4. "Love how you notice and appreciate the little beauties along your walk! Frangipanis and jasmine are such lovely sights, and your childhood flower memories made me smile!" Looking forward to more insights! And you know you can double the fun with IMG World of Adventure Buy 1 Get 1 Free Ticket! Skip long lines with IMG World Fast Track Tickets and enjoy non-stop excitement. Don’t miss out on the best IMG Worlds of Adventure Tickets Offers at IMG Theme Park—book now!
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