Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Pork Belly

Of late, I have been craving fatty pork belly hee..hee...

A craving that I can satisfy easily.

So I bought these two packs of pork belly. Look at the layers of fat.

I cooked this batch of four pieces first.

I bought this perforated mini tray from Mr DIY. So useful!

I used a pair of kitchen scissors to cut the pork belly into smaller pieces.

The pork belly although not seasoned or marinated was very aromatic and so tasty.

The second packet was cooked using the same method (in the air fryer).

This time I placed the pieces skin side down to minimize sticking. I am not looking for crispy skin. So the skin is chewy which I don't mind.

Again, the meat was so delicious. It is so convenient eating fermented vegetables (although yes, I have to invest time to make a big batch) since I only have to scoop what I want from the bottle. No washing, chopping or cooking the veggies.

The kimchi and jalapenos were store bought while the sauerkraut (regular and purple) were homemade. 


  1. I can eat pork belly just like that without any sauce or gravy, it is delicious on its own.

    1. Yes, me too! Now I can appreciate the natural taste of food without having to add sauces and stuff.

  2. Hi PH, may I know what's the temperature and cooking time of your pork belly in the air fryer?

  3. I'm wondering why the pork belly cannot lay on its side. It's the standing up so that you don't have to flip the pieces? ;)

    1. You are right. I made them stand up like that so that I don't have to flip. And also to minimize the sticking - less surface area.

  4. Good, it is very healthy to cook the pork belly in the air fryer using its own lard. My spouse would love to eat this pork belly. Yummy 😋🤤
