Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Little Puff, The Starling

It was a public holiday, Nuzul Al Quran but I was working.

After lunch, I went for my usual walk at the mall.

Ah! We Open U Hapi. Or rather in my books, U Open I Fatti.

This is the third floor of The Starling.

I saw the Little Puff staff very busy at the kiosk.

But the display counter was empty.

It was opening day and the cream puffs were being baked as these photos were taken. Woohoo!

This is the price list. Of course the more you buy, the lower the unit price.

The cream puffs from my childhood (more than 50 years ago, yikes!) only have one filling - custard. These days there are so many flavors.

I was informed to come back in say, an hour's time, as the cream puffs would be ready by then.

I don't eat pastries in any frequency now. It was not my carb day, so I would have to come back another day.

But you could come and try the cream puffs and tell me how they are, ok? I would most likely (in future) try the Pandan Gula Melaka, Chocolate, Creme Brulee and Blueberry. Hmm... just nice for a Small Box (4 pieces at RM18.00) hee...hee...


  1. Good morning 🌞
    The pink kisok and pink flower bouquet look so sweet, as sweet as their puffs.
    I seldom eat puffs. Even the long time papa beard puffs I seldom eat.
    Somehow I like to eat ice cream but I am indifferent to custard fillings and creams fillings. Maybe because they are not icy cold
    Thanks for the photos and info though. Pretty stall to look at.

  2. Good morning! RM18 for 4 pieces. One piece RM1.50. If convert to Sing dollars, one piece around S$0.50. Can buy lah. I would choose custard, chocolate, pandan gula melaka and coffee caramel filling hee hee.
