Sunday, 2 March 2025

Clearing My Head

I admit that after having the difficult conversation with my father, although I felt a sense of relief, the thought of dad leaving had an impact on me emotionally. Of course, right?

I experienced mild to moderate depression, a feeling I have not had for a while. Those heavy dark feelings that I used to have prior to 2022 (before I adopted the carnivore diet) came back.

But I know that this is just a passing phase. I will bounce back and I have.

So Friday, I had to free my mind and to pamper myself a little bit.

I went to Pathlab for (a planned) bloodwork before I stepped into the office. My last blood test was 02-08-2024. 

After getting some work done at the office, I told myself, sau tong! Let loose, enjoy a carefree day, free your mind!

I went to the food court and got me a Beef Curry & Cheese Jacket Potato from Deli Foodie.

The jacket potato was very tasty. But the potato is a small potato (not a big ass one like Russet potato), so it did not quite fill me up.

Then I went to get an iced Americano at HWC Coffee

After that, I went for jalan2 at the concourse and came upon this Merimies Pop Up Sale.

Very colorful and pretty handbags.

The lilac one was rather cute.

So tiny. Can't accommodate all my auntie stuff that goes into my el cheapo handbag.

So cute! Let's check the price.

Gah! For that money, I could go for a good steak.

Another charming bag. Cherry red.

This one can buy me Wagyu steak. I am all about my stomach heh...heh...

Anyway, these handbags are more for the young leng luis.

Yup, I had a scoop of Baskin Robbins Lemon Blueberry Tarte. I was testing to see how I feel about ice cream. Nope, I did not enjoy this ice cream.

The lemon tasted artificial (of course) and I don't like the pie crust pieces (what a silly thing to put in the ice cream). Next time I will try the more familiar chocolate flavors. Yes, I must test again LOL!

Watsons was having some promotion. I am now bebas-Kotex (Kotex-free) for 14 years already. Woohoo!

These are interesting - Freeze-Dried Whole Strawberry

A social media influencer recently cautioned her fellow Muslims to be careful about products containing truffles.

It made sense because truffles that grow in the wild are harvested using pigs. But these potato chips are most likely flavored with artificial truffle flavor since truffles are very expensive.

These chips are mala flavored, not a flavor that I fancy. 

After that, a date with The Monkey, a very gory horror movie.

Then early dinner at Red Kettle.


Sourdough toast dipped in runny egg yolks is heaven!

A superb Flat White to end my evening. By then, I was feeling loads better. Thank God it's (was) Friday!


  1. Ya, enjoy, no need to be so strict.
    "I am now bebas-Kotex (Kotex-free) for 14 years already."
    Erh, you are 4 years older than me only so y 14 years?
    I am still having on and off though I hope to be done with it within this year. 🤞

    1. Ah, yes, mine happened early. Yours is at a more appropriate age. Hope you achieve completion soon but it tends to go on and off.

  2. I am a carefree woman now since last year. Menopause was a smooth transitional phase for me. Thank God! Those handbags are pretty but not practical. I am a practical person. I am glad that I am born in the 70s those were the good old days when life was not as complicated and economy was good. The current world is a sad one so it is natural to feel down and depressed once in a while. You have been eating good and you have your family with you, you are a blessed person as compared to many others. Good mid day to you. I am now by the seaside with million dollar seaview with bright blue sky, white fluffy clouds and vast ocean or you call it sea. Here for a paid group activity. Guess what it is hee hee. Hope the results of your blood test come out good. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Good morning! Thank you for your very inspiring words! You are fortunate that menopause was smooth sailing. It wasn't for me. Hmmm... what group activity is that? It sounds like fun!

  3. Good morning! Stay happy PH! Giving you smiles. The group activity was life liberation of lobsters. I do not eat lives which I liberate for example I do not eat lobsters and grouper fish as I liberate them if not it will be a wasted effort plus it will appear hypocritical. I enjoyed myself utterly yesterday. Group activity early afternoon and after that went home early to do my own things and chillax at home.
