Saturday, 8 February 2025

The Kat Family # 13 : Headache Kitties

Let me continue where I left off. This coming 21-02-2025, my Poodie and Ah Boi will celebrate their first birthday.

This was day #36. Look at Ah Boi. She was chilling out in the litter box. Eeee..geli lah Ah Boi!

Poodie was all concentration while doing her business.

Poor thing. Can't even do her business in peace.

She was joined by the late TuTu who had no business to do rather other than to kepoh in the box.

It is now 6 months since TuTu passed and my heart is calm when looking at her photos. I used to break out in tears just thinking of my sweet little kittie.

Here is Ah Boi and her mama doing the same pose.

And this was my headache every evening. Keeping them safe (and mama cat from getting knocked up again) was a stressful affair. The worst were the toilet accidents that happen in the cage. I am glad those days are over.

As you can see, Ah Boi was a terror. That was the trait that convinced me that she was a boy. LOL!

The other two girls were more subtle.

Poodie protested but TuTu (so adorable with her paw on the cloth peg) just lay calmly in one corner.

Day# 37. Weekends I get to see what they were up to.

They love the carboard boxes that I gave them to play with.

Ah Boi was the most restless of the lot. Always hyper.

These two are sleepyheads.

Ah Boi was protesting something. She was not a good looking kitten but she has bloomed into a sleek pretty cat.

Poodie was startled.

TuTu was up as well.

Aren't they sweet? I do wish that TuTu were still around. Haiz.

Ah Boi was never far from her mama. Up to today, she is mama's girl.

***To be continued***


  1. Ah Boi is a! For cat lovers, we never tire looking at their antics & photos. I've quite a few videos & photos of all the cats that have come my way too...and disappeared...and look at them with fondness...and sadness. There's a new black cat that I'm feeding now...not new as in she's been around in our street. Somehow she came over when I called out to her after the last stray was catnapped (I'm just trying to utilise the cat food I still have). Somehow she knew there's no cat anymore in my She only appears once in the morning (for the handout) and I don't see her the rest of the day...which is good, I'm gonna keep my distance and not get attached this time.

    1. Yes, exactly, a tomboy! She continues to be so. Since this other kittie only comes to you once a day, then there is no opportunity to form a bond. It's for the best since you don't want any attachment.

    2. Agree. I also very scare of any attachment and bond with pets that when they pass on, I will think of them and cry. Crying is no joke. It is very heart wrenching.

    3. Kris and I have experienced this and the heartbreak is devastating.

  2. Thank you for the photos. Bring tears to my eyes to see how they have grown and fond memories of Tutu. πŸ’• πŸ™

    1. I feel sadness too looking at TuTu's pics. But at least now I don't cry.

  3. Ahhhh so sweet and heartwarming. My heart melts. Time will heal. At least now you are calm and won't feel too sad thinking of Tutu. Tutu has moved on so you should too. Thanks for sharing all these precious photos of your cat family.

    1. I have so many of these photos and it is a joy to share!
