Saturday 20 July 2024

I Deserve A Spanking

Phiak! Phiak! Before we get on to my latest transgression, let me tell you how it happened.

It was on my walkabout in Damansara Uptown to buy Kopi O from this Kaw Kaw Kopi truck.

This truck is parked opposite Yin's Sourdough Bakery and Cafe.

The last time I visited this eatery was back in 2019. 

Since I was in the vicinity, I took a peek at the menu.

And something caught my eye.

So I thought, hmmm... one of these days I might just pop by and have this.

Some days later, my brother sent me this photo of his breakfast at the cafe. 

So. On a very hot afternoon I dropped by.

And found myself at table #1.

Ordering is via QR code or if you prefer, you could also order manually at the counter.

Water is on the house which is very nice.

And of course a Flat White is a must for me.

The coffee is very good. And oh my, this Fruity French Toast was served shortly.

It was visually pleasing.

It was served with a side of honey.

Portion size is very generous. This is good for sharing. This French Toast was very well executed, hits all the right spots and not sweet at all (in spite of the caramelized apple and banana sandwiched in the eggy bread), so the honey comes in handy to sweeten things up.

I don't think the bread was fried in butter since I did not detect any and it would have been awesome if it was. What I can say is that people who love fancy French Toast will be delighted. 

My tastebuds have been blunted and I would have enjoyed this a lot more had I eaten this during my pre-carnivore days. So this one experience will last me a long time.

You might wonder why I bother to eat (and spend money on) these things when I already know that my tastebuds have changed.

Well, it's due to euphoric recall. I remember enjoying these foods and want to experience it again. But it's not the same when I actually do. Not anymore. So in time to come, I might just not bother at all.

As usual, to run off the glucose spike (hah..hah...) I did my mall walking at The Starling. It was difficult to pull off my escalator walking stunt because there were so many people. Besides Malaysians are not trained to stand to one side of the escalator to allow others to pass through.

I was very amused when I saw this book. Is there one for cats? LOL!

***Kittie Nostalgia***

Throwback photos of when they were babies.

Ah Boi (who is actually a girl).

Poodie patootie.

And everybody's favorite, TuTu.


  1. Agree that the toast was visually pleasing. Definitely for me since it has got banana sandwiched between the eggy bread. As usual, Tutu is the cutest of them all.

    1. You would enjoy this French Toast. TuTu is the most good looking and she has many fans.

  2. I love French toast. I serve that in my shop too and it received good response from customers. Mine was savoury and buttery, come in normal and special (fried egg and cheese in between).

    The fruit french toast did looked appealing. Aaawww, Tu Tu is super cute!! Definitely my favourite too.

    1. I bet French Toast is one of the most popular items at your shop. It tastes good with kaya as well. Ah, you are also a Tutu fan!

  3. Wah, now I want to eat what you ate. The toast in red kettle big breakfast is already very tasty to me. Aiyo, the kittens are so very cute. They grow up so fast with all the good food you are feeding them. 😻

    1. Oh yes, the one at Red Kettle has an edge over this one due to the butter factor LOL!

  4. I read one study that says standing to one side of the escalator actually will spoil the escalator so it is better to stand on both sides. Malls should have stairs next to escalators just like in lrt mrt stations.

    1. Oh really? I guess so, more weight stress on one side of the escalator.

  5. the kitties are cute, should frame the picture up and put at home!

  6. The honey in rooster saucer seem like doesn't match with the Western dessert, haha!

    1. hah..hah... more suitable for putting sambal!

  7. Oh, how I would love to eat a good French toast...with a good maple syrup! T_T Someone was very heavy handed with the icing sugar (scary!). Wah, your brother very "atas" spaghetti for breakfast. P/S: Tutu is super cute when she was young.

    1. The French Toast could have been better and the answer is butter! LOL! Oh ya, TuTu was super cute as a young kitten but now she looks like her daddy who still lurks around. She is super affectionate and can melt anyone's heart.
