Thursday, 9 April 2020

Covid-19 MCO : Day #23 (Hoarder Anonymous)

Today I am feeling good. Mostly because my back is almost healed. Also the consignment of veggies/fruits that I ordered finally arrived, alleviating the anxiety that I was experiencing over the last few days.

I will write about this tomorrow.

This morning I did my exercise. I miss my lunchtime walks around Damansara Uptown and generally speaking, I love to take walks. I read on the internet/FB that there are runners who complete marathons inside their house/compound/balcony. So why not walking inside the house, eh?

My cat was on the sofa the whole time watching me.

She probably thought it was weird. Mommy walking round and round in the hall.

Ma! Whatchoo doin?

So I went to disturb her.

She likes to grab my hand and she goes on a scratching and biting frenzy. Not hard bites, just playful stuff but it does leave scars.

I cannot be a hand model anymore wahahahaha!!!

So. Anyway. My project today is to clean and organize the pantry. Yes, I did that before the Chinese New Year. Now need maintenance. Some sort of stock take is in order.

When I worked as an auditor in an audit firm a long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away, one of the audit procedures that I loathed was stock take. I hated it!

But stock take in my pantry, that I can handle.

See. So much stuff. I have to consolidate. Put pasta with pasta, flour with flour, you get the drift.

There you go. Why does one person need so many packets of pasta? 

Masters of Pasta meet Mistress of Hoarding
There, all my pasta in one corner so that I can check and not simply simply buy more pasta.

Eh! I found yeast!!!

Aiyah...die oredi...

Tepung segala tepung. Lucky no kepompong.
Now for the flours. I have all sorts. Bread flour also got but then as we discovered, my yeast already expired...

Now for the grains. Quinoa, green lentils, rolled oats, black wild rice (just because I saw Nigella cook this), millet (a free gift from BMS Organics) and the list goes on. Those with clips (barley and dhall) were leftovers.

And then there is the miscellaneous things.

Furikake also got....

Vietnamese rice paper pun ada...

And my stash of chocolates meant for baking.

Everything was sorted out but that was only the half of it hah..hah... Esok ada lagi.

Now there is the business of lunch.

La Juiceria Goodness Greens Cafe via Grabfood. My favorite. Currently there is a promotion of RM10.00 off with RM50.00 minimum order.

See. All containers have safety seals. I like that.

Spicy Korean Cauliflower Rice. I had this for lunch. Very good!

This is the Gado-Gado Chicken Salad. I was greedy and add on one extra peanut dressing (it wasn't necessary because they are generous with this dressing). This is for my dinner. The avocado inside the container (add on) I ate with the cauliflower fried rice because it can't keep.

Today my cat decided to be jaga pintu.

I caught her sleeping on the job.

After lunch she became like that. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

She is fired as security guard.



  1. Good grief!!! Talk about panic buying! There are so many things in your loot that I would love to have. I'd probably have to go go out again one of these days.

    Bad bad cat!!! Eeeeeee....will those cuts and scratches lead to complications or not? Get a nail clipper and trim the claws, quick!!!

    1. To think that I bought those way before the MCO - God sent me a sign LOL!

      I always quickly was my hands with antiseptic handwash whenever she scratches. So far, no issues.

  2. Girl girl is so so lovable! You got so many things in your pantry! Sure can survive long long no need go out.

  3. wow! the food looks good n with safety ribbons too. I wonder whether they deliver to my area or not this eatery via grab.

    1. You can check it out. I am lucky that they are near me.

  4. If the instant yeast package is not open, sometimes it is still active, way past the expiry date. Have to test it in some water to see if it is still bubbly. I keep my instant yeast in the refrigerator, the yeast is still active despite being expired.
    Take care don't over exert yourself while exercising.

  5. fresh carrots, starfruit, etc - a sight i haven't seen in person for many weeks now! :) that's plenty of pasta indeed - you could even throw a pasta party for all your online friends :D

    1. hah..hah...If I knew how to shoot videos, I would be doing a pasta mukbang!

  6. Oh my, you're very keng-lah! Looking at your hands is scary. I can't stand even if there's one scratch as a cat's scratch gets helluva itchy. Playing with a cat's paws is never a wise move as you're just inviting her to scratch your hand. That photo (after lunch) really shows what a fatty bom bom she is...haha! :D She should join you in exercising by walking around the house (I do my morning walks around my porch too). That last photo of her walking, she needs to go on a diet until you don't see a protruding belly sideways (like she's pregnant), then she'll be at the right weight. No wonder she dumps twice a day! :O Of course, when a cat is a fatty bom bom, they look extra cute. I'm only afraid of the long-term stress on their tiny legs. >_<

    1. Yes, it is itchy. I usually run to the kitchen and have my hands washed immediately with antiseptic handwash. She is very lazy, prefers to roll around rather than run hah...hah... I hope that by end of the month she loses some weight. Haiz...

  7. Walau eh! Your pantry has so much stuffs like a Kedai Runcit Mak Kiah. So many items are alien to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I wanna laugh at the Japanese flying cartoon Bonito. Is that fish food??

    Your many packets of pastas could feed all the homeless shelters in KL. Better cook them fast if not grow kutu inside.

    1. LOL! I won't waste the pasta. I just need to go slow because it is very fattening.

  8. Hey, I think you should not allow your cat to scratch or even bite you so often. The cat often lays on the floor and sweep all the bacteria from your porch. You might get infected and start purring at your lahling! He will think you got Feline Rabies.

    I suggest that you spank your cat when she scratches you or pull off all its teeth. Eat fish porridge later.

    1. Yes, I know. Thanks for the advice. I make sure I wash my hands with antiseptic handwash.

  9. I have a similar shopping sickness like you. That's because we shop at same crazy places like Starling and AEON. I bought many things and even repeatedly to keep in my 2 fridges & pantry. My wife often threw away all the expired items after screaming out. Muahahahaha

  10. Your pantry is neat. Wait till you see mine. Sure pengsan. Lol. Lately with stocking up sruff, my pantry cannot fit everything in.

    1. Neat because I just rearranged it LOL!

  11. I feel heart pain for you to see so many scratches on your hand. Pain or not? Do take care and make sure no inflammation. Wow you are really a hoarder lolx.

    1. Don't worry, not so painful but it gets itchy! LOL! I like to buy stuff :)

  12. There are 3 members in my family and my pantry is not as "opulent" as yours, LOL

  13. wah, u sure got plenty of stocks in ur kitchen that can last until 'Raya'!

  14. Stock take is good to prevent expired items. After stock take, your pantry looks so neat. Aiyo, look at all the scratches. I think her nails need cutting or put on a pair of baby mittens for her when playing to avoid all the scratch marks.

    1. Stock take every now and then is a good way to maintain the neatness. I hope I can keep up!
