Monday 30 September 2024

It's My 57th!

It's my birthday again. Not today lah. It was a few days ago.

In another 3 years, I achieve senior citizen status and can enjoy 50% off buffets at certain places. Hah!

As with their current practice (to remind taxpayers of tax compliance responsibilities), the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia also took the opportunity to wish me Happy Birthday. 

Since it was my birthday, I can eat whatever I want, betul tak? But I still had to work on my birthday.

Last time I angan-angan wanna take leave on my birthday to lepak-lepak. It's all right lah. Work keeps my brain ticking and sharp (besides I need the money kah..kah..kah...).

So for brunch I went to Halla Holla. By the way, Halla Holla did some renovation work a while back (to return the shoplot next to it to the landlord) and they now occupy only one space. The lot they vacated is now a Thai restaurant.

Latte is a must.

I will never give up coffee. I love it too much.

This is something I have been wanting to eat. Avocado Toast with Scrambled Eggs. Totally worth it. You get a whole lot of avocado.

And if you are greedy like me, you order some more avocado. Enjoy kaw kaw!

After the meal, you know lah. Must do my mandatory walk to run off the glucose in my blood.

I passed by my old ice cream haunt. No, I did not eat ice cream. Ice cream is no longer a thing for me.

In the evening, my lahling took me to dinner at Jay's Kitchen.

He being the carb lover had the Spaghetti Bolognaise.

And me, I had the Iberico Belly.

The Iberico pork belly was fatty and tender. I can eat two portions, to be honest hah..hah...

We also got the Kurobota Belly Bites to share.

The boss, Mr Jay, also served us his awesome nonya achad as appetizers. My partner agreed with me that the achad was fantastic.

The next day, mum gave me a birthday treat at Jyu Raku, Subang Jaya

The lighting in the restaurant was very dim and the photos did not turn out well, hence this abbreviated post.

Overall, the meal was above average and I would not mind coming back again.

The menu is extensive and this being our first visit, we were a bit overwhelmed when deciding on what to order.

We were also served complimentary matcha ice cream which tasted very milky to me.

So that was my birthday makan-makan sessions. Being 57 I don't feel 57 ... Some days I feel like I am only 15 wahahaha!!!

Back in the old days (maybe grandma and great grandma's time and beyond), I would have become a grand old dame with a few grandchildren (or even great grandchildren God forbid). Well, times have changed.

We now have options and I ticked NO in some boxes.

What? Me old lady?

My birthday wish (every year) shall be to live a simple yet happy and healthy life.

I don't make a lot of money and I am very chin chai - in this photo I am wearing a (more than) 10 year old tee shirt (bought from Aeon when it used to be known as Jaya Jusco).

I carry a RM27.00 tote bag and wear RM26.99 sneakers. I wear no makeup except for eye shadow so that I don't look sleepy.

My ex-university mate made this comment when I went to lecture without eye makeup "macam muka orang baru bangun tidor" (you look like you just woke up). Cilaka, that girl.

Ah! This is another birthday present I bought for me. A 15lb kettlebell. I am now doing kettlebell swings and such as part of my resistance training to build/maintain muscle and physical strength.

I shall endeavor to eat well, stay well and age well, aiming on growing better and not older. My goal is to become a biological badass. I hope those are your goals too. Amen!

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