Friday, 27 December 2024

What I Ate On Christmas Day

Ah! So what did you all do on Christmas day? The good Christians would have gone to church (not like me). 

Some of you would have gone for a holiday or chilled out at home. Now, what did I do? It's all a blur, I can't remember specifically (wahahaha!!!) but I know that I did a spot of spring cleaning (which was therapeutic).

The Sunday before Christmas, as usual I went grocery shopping at Aeon.

At the payment counter I saw this auntie with three big bags of ngaku. Wah... her family will be enjoying ngaku chips.

I got this instead (two tubs) Brownes Dairy Natural Yogurt.

This usually costs RM13.00 per tub but was marked down to clear. I usually don't buy marked down stuff but I like this yogurt, so.

I also rendered some tallow (beef fat). These two glass containers that I got as free gifts from Nature's Wonders came in very handy.

Once cooled, the fat becomes solid and I stored the containers on the fridge.

Christmas dinner was a cheesebake - minced beef + bacon + egg + shredded cheese and topped with more cheese and sliced Jalapenos.

I also topped the cheesebake with some fermented Jalapenos.

It was so good!

Nyums! Since it was Christmas day, after my delicious dinner (which was a OMAD), my mouth got itchy. Tsk!


I was watching The Ultimatum (Season 3) which I think is a ridiculous concept (not to mention immoral, that's just my opinion) but it was mindless entertainment. 

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Merry Christmas indeed.


  1. I always think it is not really healthy to watch too much TV or drama, I would rather go out and do small talk with stall holders etc when I buy food and beverage from them.

  2. I was sleeping the whole day for feeling like vomiting, tender tummy and having a bitter taste in mouth. Later developed a headache as well. All I learn from online is due to menopause. Now I am all ok d. At least your Xmas is much more better than mine. 😂

    1. Oh ya, I read your posts but did not leave comments. I'm glad you are OK now. Menopause - ugh! That's something we ladies have to go through.

  3. Since u enjoy eating pickled jalapenos, I wonder if u like olives. I like the black one for my pizza topping

    1. Oh yes, I love black olive as pizza topping!

  4. I had finished my stock of kimchi and yogurt, will go stock up again when I am feeling better. Was feeling under the weather.

  5. Wow, you can go through a whole can of pork rinds in one sitting! O_o I think after a few I'd be feeling "jelak" because of the thought of the greasy oil involved (just like pork lard crisps, a few is heaven but not too much)! ;D

    1. That is my very bad habit. I can munch and munch until the whole container is empty hah..hah... The pork rinds are not greasy, so it is very easy to eat a lot. They better for me compared to snacks that contain carbs.

  6. I like to treasure hunting at the clearance shelves in supermarket. :P
