Monday, 3 July 2023

Sate Madura

On Sunday I originally planned on playing with my new toy. What new toy you ask?

Behold (on the right), the Ninja Indoor Air Grill (AG301) which can grill, bake/roast, air fry and dehydrate. 

I couldn't resist after seeing on Youtube how it grills steaks and meats.  

The thing is, I've tried cooking steaks in my air fryer but I could not get proper searing. Besides, since I am a confirmed meat eater, I figured a good indoor grill is perfect for me.

So what happens now to my Philips air fryer? I gave it away to a friend who inherited my Perysmith air fryer. That unit I was told is pretty worn out now (non-stick coating peeling off).  

I will share more later on when I get down to grilling steaks, lamb and more. I was just not in the mood to experiment because I had loads of chores done on Thursday (public holiday) and Friday (self-declared holiday) - gardening, cleaning the car porch, laundry, vacuum cleaning, general housekeeping and washing the toilet. Tired lah.

Yup I did quite a bit during those two days simply because I had a lot of catching up to do. The past 4 to 5 weeks worth of chores were put on hold because I was working Mondays to Saturdays.

So Sunday I just wanted to put my feet up and lepak. That means no cooking.

I was curious about Sate Barokah Ibu Nur which serves Indonesian style satay. 

I ordered the Sate Ayam (10 sticks) and Sate Lembu (10 sticks).

Delivery was prompt because I did a scheduled order.

The satay sauce and chili were packed separately. The sauce is a peanut sauce (blended until smooth, so no peanut chunks) which tastes significantly  different from the usual satay sauce. Yes, it had a peanut aroma and other than that, it was not exciting.

The beef was unfortunately tough and chewy. Just like the sauce, this satay also has a different flavor profile, one that I can only describe as mild and muted. 

In fact, to manage expectations, there is a note to inform customers that Madura satay is not the same as Malaysian satay. Indeed it is not the same.

I will be honest, I did not like this satay so there won't be further orders. It is just a matter of taste. Obviously there are other people who enjoy it since I saw some glowing reviews.

Dinner was not appetizing but I ate it anyway so as not to waste.

Oxtail and tendon soup. The photo on the left is how it looked like straight out from the fridge. As I mentioned before, the sup bunjut and rempah sup spices made this soup overwhelmingly aromatic (not in a good way for me) and I am now averse to such robust flavors. I had to eat the meat/tendon with kicap manis (and cili padi) to make it go down easier. There is loads of collagen in this soup, which motivated me to chug it down hah..hah...


  1. No lamb? I am not a fan of chicken, not into beef either - dunno what beef they use here, so tough, not nice.

    1. I did not order lamb because I was afraid it might be gamey because there was a comment about the lamb satay being "smelly".

  2. Good to hear that you got lots of things done during the long weekend. Thanks for the satay review. Tough and chewy beef means I stay away as my teeth are not strong enough to chew tough beef.

    1. Tastewise not to my liking and if you want good satay, Satay King is recommended.

  3. Wow!! Now you investing grill, not air fryer. That is one new toy for me. I like satay especially pork and lamb satay but a big no to tough and dry meat satay.

    1. This new toy can grill, air fry, bake and dehydrate - 4 in 1 function. Cheaper than my Philips air fryer some more. LOL!

  4. I'm just starting to play with my airfryer...and you move on to something else I'm surprised you gave away your airfryer without even having tested your Ninja grill to see if the cooking of the food is to your expectations. Now I know why you "suddenly" decided to clean your airfryer....haha (must present it in a better light lah!). Those words "unit may produce smoke when cooking" scares me (personally) as that's the very reason I don't have a grill or want to do any grilling at home (I was once very tempted to buy one those portable grills so can grill like Korean BBQ) as the smoke it gives off when grilling will fill the whole house and make it oily (even though grilled food tastes so good). Even when cooking/frying at home which gives off smoke, I have a cooker hood to extract all the smoke so that my kitchen will stay oil-free. Then, again, I wouldn't know how your grill works until you start posting about the food cooked for me to understand it better. ^_~

    1. I was so confident in the Ninja Grill and besides, there is no more space on my counter LOL! Ya lah, want to give something away must give it in good (or better) condition though the recipient was warned hah..hah... Last night I grilled sausages and there was no smoke. Sure, I will do a review soon.

  5. wah, u got a new toy! good to have someone to 'inherit' ur old toy, rather than throw it away or send to recycling centre. LOL, no wonder u were so hardworking cleaning the airfryer (in ur previous post).

    1. LOL! Cannot give away things that are not clean, right or not hah...hah.. This weekend I will play with my new toy and blog about it.

  6. I must say that I never liked the satay gravy in the whole of Indonesia as they are like what you had. So watery with mashed peanuts like eating peanut butter with water! Lolol 😂 One even looked like my diarrhea water.
    However the marinated satay meat tasted different in various provinces as Indonesia is too huge a country. I remembered their satays were tender and not hard. The best satays are from Bali where they have big chunks using lemongrass stems as skewers! So fragrant and nice.

    I am surprised too that you have bought a new toy! You are someone who would invest in anything for better cooking. Very wise of you.

    1. Aiyo so geli the way you described it LOL! The spices and amounts used would vary from region to region and it's nice to have a taste just for the experience. I still prefer our local satay. I think you are referring the the satay lilit (the one using lemongrass stem as skewers) which I tried at a restaurant which has sadly closed down.

      I can't resist things like ovens, grills and air fryers (and cooking pots!). This new toy has all the functions, so very worth it!

  7. Looking forward to see how you use your new toy! Not sure if Indonesian satay same like Balinese satay as when I had it at Bali, it tasted quite similar with our local satay. I like my satay peanut sauce to be chuncky.

    1. There are many versions of satay in Indonesia I think. This one that I had is totally different from our usual local satay.
