Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Saying Hello!

Well, you know I can't stay away too long, can I? I have some stories to tell but I will post them later. 

Today, I had to break a 20 hour fast because I was really, really hungry. I didn't bring anything from home because I thought that I could hold out until (my early) dinner. But no. Tak boleh tahan.

So you know where I went.

I did not order coffee because it was already 1:30pm and I did not want to risk staying awake the whole night. I already had coffee at home and then another dose mid morning. 

As usual, I separate the carbs and I ate the proteins first. 

Gaaarrhh...!!! The irresistible loti chian kay nui (French toast), thick and well soaked with beaten eggs! I ate these last as my dessert.

I am also very fond of the mushrooms and buttery scrambled eggs.

After my meal, I went for a walk and spotted this Sugar & I kiosk right opposite Daiso.

Ah! I remember Sugar & I from my MCO days! heh..heh..heh..

They are giving 15% discount until end of this week.

The Best Bombolini In Town they claim and yes indeed! But oh well, I no longer have  a taste for these things but I know many people do and LOVE these bombolinis. They really are da bomb!

Last Sunday I went to Aeon as usual and replenished my stash of fatty beef trimmings.

I won't be having dinner tonight. Till we meet again, have a great week ahead!


  1. Goshhhh!!! That platter was absolutely gorgeous! Now I am drooling all over. No way could I get something like that here, dreams on. The western breakfast in this part of the woods are quite miserable. Sobsss!!!

    1. It is isn't it?! It's my favorite order at this restaurant.

  2. I also cannot resist a good French toast!!!

  3. that's a meaty breakfast platter! I'm so drooling over it! U too, have a great week ahead!

  4. Ah, I have yet to eat that big breakfast platter. Wait till my next trip to starling mall I will eat that. I will try that bambolinis too. Did you buy all 6 packs of beef trimmings in the photo?

    1. Yes, I bought all 6 packs of beef trimmings. I love it!

  5. So hello there! ;) P/S: I think this is the first time I've seen scrambled eggs of a Big Breakfast come served like a side dish instead of the main star (sharing same 'status' with the meat lah)...lol.

    1. Yup, they serve the scrambled eggs like that. If I get fried eggs, they serve them on a small plate.

  6. Welcome back! I have yet try Bombolini although I really want to try it because I like everything with cream, the more the merrier!

    1. Thank you! I think you will like the Bombolini.

  7. Wow! That is a big platter for dinner. Looks so yummy.

    1. Yes, fits my stomach very well hah..hah...

  8. I have lost so much weight and all my appetite for food. These are the side effects that never went away. I realised that I should scroll through all your posts like a menu to bring my appetite again. Sausages!!!! πŸ’•

    1. I hope that your appetite will recover in time. Most cancer patients experience this loss of appetite because of the effects of the strong medications. You can try foods that are light on your stomach. Perhaps yogurt could be good for you.
