Thursday, 27 April 2023

I Love Beef!

I was feeling extravagant the other day and I ordered Black Angus Sirloin Steaks from Feast Market.

The package for four pieces (0.6-0.8 inch, total weight approximately 1.0kg) cost me RM230.00. 

The beef is grain fed which I prefer because the fat content is higher. Grass fed tends to be leaner.

At RM230.00, one piece is RM57.50. A visit to the clinic with prescription medication cost RM250.00. So which money do you prefer to spend - on doctor visits or on good nutrition?

That is why I do not hesitate to spend on food, proper nutrient dense food. This is my new philosophy. Besides, a sirloin steak at the restaurant costs me a lot more. So it is better that I cook it myself at home.

I used my trusty cast iron Lodge pan which has now taken on a non-stick quality due to frequent usage and proper seasoning. I use the naturally occurring fat from the steak, so I need not add any oil to the pan.

I cooked the steak 3 minutes on one side and another 2 minutes on the other side. It turned out nicely pink and tender.

Now, this is the beef fat that I bought from Daging Online. It comes in 1kg package and I divided the fat into a few portions and store in the freezer.

I cut the fat into small cubes and add them to the beef trimmings that I buy from Aeon.

Into the air fryer they go, 8 minutes at 200C and (after tossing) another 6 minutes and they are done.

The crispy fat cubes were so tasty.

This is one of my favorite meals. Even more so with added fat trimmings.

Another thing I love is chicken livers. I don't eat it often and I only do so when a craving hits.

I had this plate of air fried chicken livers and fried eggs for dinner.

Besides beef and chicken livers, another protein that I enjoy is pork. I will do that in a future post.


  1. Wah, your eggs and steak platter is so delicious! Good value for money too. That day I ate steak at an eatery and it costs over rm 100 for a thin piece. Good way to use the beef fats, no need to use any oil for your beef trimmings with the beef fats. Brilliant idea πŸ’‘πŸ‘

    1. If above RM100 it is OK if it tastes good. I would say worth it. But if it was not that great, then really menyesal. I experienced it not too long ago and I hope that restaurant shuts down. I will blog about it after they shut down. I am so evil. LOL!

  2. I guess the fried beef fat is similar with fried pork lard aka zhu yao zha? I never did it in air fryer, but I saw people share about their result, quite impressive.

    1. Yeah, something like that. I rendered pork lard before and after squeezing out the liquid fat, I air fried the crunchy remains. Very nice!

  3. As usual, the steaks from Feast Market looks good. Yeah, I would rather spend on good food than doctor's visits...but whether it's good nutrition, the jury is still out on that (for me). I like to eat chicken livers too but would limit myself to one (at most two) in one sitting.

    1. So far Feast Market has the best quality and although they are pricier, I stick to them for the excellent steaks.
