Friday, 8 September 2023

Buka Puasa After 42 Hours

Well, well! I made it through my first skip day yesterday. I did feel some hunger pangs (not ravenous) at lunch time.

But I just ignored it and continued with my work. Then when I got home, I also felt some hunger pangs and again I just ignored it. I used the time saved not cooking/eating to read and listen to podcasts on Youtube.

When I woke up this morning, I did not feel hungry. I just went about what I needed to do and I felt fine. In fact I could have gone on longer with no food but I have a few more skips days lined up in the next couple of weeks so I don't want to burnout. 

Yesterday evening I air dried two ribeyes in the fridge. At around 10:00am I took one out to come to room temperature. When ready to cook, I rubbed the steak with a bit of olive oil and sprinkled on some seasonings.

Then I heated my cast iron pan. After training on 5kg dumbells, I can now handle the pan with one hand. Not bad, eh? heh...heh... 

My cast iron pan is very well seasoned and is shinny and non-stick. After it was well heated (smoking) I added some cooking oil (I used good old minyak Cap Buruh. Must support our minyak kelapa sawit).

Then I set the timer for 2 minutes and dropped the steak into the hot pan. There was a beautiful sizzle and I covered the pan with a splatter guard. 

After 2 minutes I flipped the steak and cooked for a further 2 minutes. I also reduced the flame because the pan was already so very hot.

I rested the steak for 6 minutes before slicing. The ribeye was cooked to medium rare. It was juicy and tender. Oh, and I fried three eggs while the steak was resting.

This steak I bought the whole block (approximately 3.3kg) since Feast Market was having a Merdeka promotion last month. I requested for the steaks to be sliced to one inch thick (13 pieces approximately 260g each, RM572.00).

One inch is perfect for me to cook the steaks properly. Any thinner and it is very difficult to get the right cook. It will be either over or undercooked.

Dinner this evening will be the same thing. My next skip day will be Monday and for today, Saturday and Sunday, I am on 2MAD (two meals a day). I have to eat well and be properly nourished to be able to fast sustainably on Monday.


  1. Only two meals a day! I'd die of starvation if I stick to that. LOL!!!

    1. LOL! No, you won't starve on just two meals.

  2. Congratulations to your achievements. Your will power is remarkable and good. I have been trying to be less greedy.

    I didn't know that cover is a splatter guard. I saw it few times and thought it was a funny sieve copied from ancient Chinese fans used by concubines. πŸ˜‚

    1. Thank you!

      LOL! That splatter guard does look like those ancient fans. It is a very good tool to keep stove tops from becoming oily.

  3. I applaud your commitment and happy for your achievement! ;) I can't even skip one meal.....or my hands will! Yes, I agree that one-inch steaks are best for results...I love it when I'm served a one-inch steak at restaurants. Many restaurants serve a half-inch steak and the cooking is always inconsistent. P/S: Your steaks look the best when it's cooked in your cast iron pan. I didn't know you had to use the oil splatter guard even when pan-frying (it sizzled that much?) but then I've never cooked with a cast iron pan. I've always thought that splatter guard is only used when deep-frying. I don't even have one in my kitchen since I hardly ever deep-fry

    1. I wonder which restaurant serves thicker steaks. The ones I visited so far all serve thin steaks. Ah, yes! Steaks are best cooked using cast iron pan. The oil does splatter when pan frying steaks. That's why the splatter guard is a God send!

  4. Congrats congrats to you. I don't dare to fast for 48 hours since the previous time I did that I thought I was going blind. So only intermittent fasting of up to 24 hours for me. Wow, your steak is to die for. So delicious! πŸ˜‹πŸ€€

    1. Oh dear! That sounds scary! Perhaps you were low on electrolytes and got lightheaded and blurred vision. But 24 hours fasting is good enough and is commendable. Good for you!

  5. Congrats that you have completed your fasting!

    1. Thank you! I hope I can sustain the next coming fast days.
