Thursday 7 September 2023

What I Have Been Eating At Home

It has been 76 days since restarting the carnivore way of eating. Sure there were (a few) days when I did eat non-carnivore compliant foods but it is not a big deal.

The carnivore way of eating is, obviously, animal source food - meat and eggs and other animal products like milk and milk based products like butter, cheese, cream, yogurt and kefir.

I am not 100% super strict or dogmatic. I will eat vegetables if served along with meat at the restaurant or even at home. If I do, the vegetables I eat are low carb vegetables like broccoli, capsicum and leafy greens.

When I started the carnivore diet, it was honestly out of curiosity with no expectations. Because had I placed expectations on the diet, if my expectations did not materialize or did not materialize soon enough, I would have concluded that the diet did not work.

At the end of 30 days (I started on 01-05-2022) I lost one inch off my waistline. And I lost 3lbs. Hey! I was not able to shed my post MCO weight gain (15lbs) no matter how hard I tried (with carb and portion restriction) even with intermittent fasting.

So I continued for another 30 days. Besides, eating on carnivore is so simple. No need to wash and peel and cut vegetables. No pounding or blending of garlic, onions or ginger. No sauteing of any ingredients. It's just a matter of seasoning and cooking the meat in the air fryer, oven or pan over the stove.

Carnivore eating has made me very lazy hah...hah...hah... These days, don't expect me to cook Kari Kapitan or Chicken Curry or Beef Curry.

Besides my mum can't tolerate spicy food anymore. In fact the poor dear was having a tummy ache (from Indian curry) when we were on our way home after lunch one day. We had to stop at my brother's office for her to use the public restroom.

But my (non-carnivore) recipes are preserved in this blog and you can follow them to cook all the yummy curries and stuff. But baking I will do from time to time.

After 60 days on the carnivore diet, I found myself very sharp and quick with my thinking. I was no longer tortured with anxiety (in particular social anxiety which plagued me since I was a child) and depression. I became calm and happy and not so easily emotionally triggered (unless if the situation is really bad). 

After 4 months, I lost 4 inches off my waistline and 12lbs off my weight. Wow. The main benefit that I enjoyed and treasure the most is the healing from mental issues - anxiety and depression. Sacrificing char kueh teow, curry mee, pasta, fried rice and any kind of carbohydrates and desserts for a stable and healthy mental state is worth it. So worth it.

It is very hard for other people to understand this and it has to be experienced to be appreciated. So far I have been very fortunate because my family and my readers has been very supportive and no one (even though they may be skeptical) has confronted me and spoken against my dietary choice.

With this way of eating, I can enjoy my food without having to restrict my portion sizes. I simply eat until I am satisfied and satiated. And yet I can maintain my weight. Good, eh?

Sure, I had fallen off track (for four months March to June 2023 ) and my mental and emotional health deteriorated and it was an expensive lesson to learn. So I am resolute about staying on course for the rest of my life.

Yes, once in a while, I will enjoy other foods. One carb meal will not derail me but if I do it every day or every other day, I will be in trouble!

Just as well I love meat and this way of eating suits me just fine!


  1. I can't eat beef nor lamb, just chicken and pork and when I eat too much meat, I will constipate. So I have to eat a lot of fruits - bananas!

    1. Hi Arthur, just in case you come by here, I want to let you know that I couldn't place comments in your posts since last month. It kept stating that my FB login has expired, don't know what it meant, I tried logging in and out to no avail...

    2. In my blog? I haven't the slightest idea what's going on. I know some blogs where I have to sign in Google first to comment or comment as "anonymous". No problem at all anywhere.

    3. suituapui : That was also my late grandma's remedy - bananas!

  2. Wow... that is indeed an achievement and encouragement for those who are thinking of losing weight and eating just meat! 12 lbs is almost 5kg... maybe I just try one month... hahaha... but I think I need to fix my teeth first before I do that... old teeth cannot chew meat so much these days!

    1. Hello. You are so slim already! You don't need to go full blown carnivore like me (unless you want to). Just reduce your carb and increase your meat intake. No need to be too extreme.

  3. Poor mama! Most elderly people have different stomach linings and had to avoid curry or sourish fruits & dishes. I cannot explain much except my several hospital stays made me pandai like doktor buruk. I learnt a lot from nurses who became my friends!!

    I just inherited the big oven and will use it for my chicken wings treat for friends. I have been gathering recipes from books to become a baker or chef soon.

    1. Then you must share your recipes! Please show your chicken wings or cookies hee..hee...

  4. Wah, I see all your food and now I am hungry. My meal completed at 12 noon today, hahahaha. My spouse dropped from 62 kg to 52.4 kg after he gave up eating rice and snacks and he is eating more meat.

    1. Wow, your spouse's weight loss is impressive!

    2. I believe he is underweight now 🤦🏻‍♀️

    3. Ooops! Maybe he can increase his meat intake to build muscles and get to a weight that is appropriate for him.

  5. I do not doubt your weight loss on the carnivore diet as it's very similar to the Atkins diet I was on before (a long time ago) and managed to reduce 10kg by cutting out carbs (and sugar) by eating more fish and vegetables along with some other seafood and meat. But these days, if I cut off carbs completely, I go hungry very quickly (low blood sugar level). Carnivore eating is not for me as I can't handle too much meat but glad that it's doing wonders for you (always happy to see you having some low carb veggies with your meat intake).

    What your mom's experiencing also happens with my mom. She used to be able to take curries (and even cook sambal belacan for me to take home) but not anymore. She probably has the same "toilet" issues like your mom so better for her to stay off such food. I guess our stomachs are more sensitive as we grow older as I (my husband too) sometimes experience that when we eat too spicy food. >.<

    1. I understand that the carnivore diet is not for everyone. My partner tried it for one day and gave up. LOL!

      I also have these stomach issues because I hardly eat chilies these days. In fact it happened today because I had Thai food yesterday and the cili padi did not sit too well with me. LOL!

  6. Interested in exploring the carnivore diet for its reported benefits. Wondering if this Meal Plan For Carnivore Diet is user-friendly for beginners?
