Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Sunday Food Prep

Last Sunday I cooked for my parents, brother and partner. I usually wake up around 4:00am but since it was a Sunday (and I watched TV till late the night before), I got up at 5:00am.

Shortly after that, it rained very heavily. Arghh!!! How I wished I could stay in bed hah...hah...hah...

First thing was to take out the marinated chicken (to come to room temperature) and roast the veggies.

As usual, cherry tomatoes. They were washed and air dried the evening before. So I just needed to rub them with olive oil and roast them in the air fryer.

Then it was the capsicums' turn.

Next thing was to roast the chicken legs in the (big ass) oven.

While all that was happening, I terlebih rajin and decided to prepare extra food for my parents and brother.

Bacon, sausages and eggs.

I packed these for them so that they could have it for dinner with bread. I also supplied a big can of baked beans.

I know that pre-fried bacon, eggs and sausages may not be ideal but I think they are convenient. If you are not fussy of course. I can eat these things straight out of the fridge. But that's me.

Then I cooked spaghetti which is not in the photo. 

Time to assemble.

The spaghetti was a bit of a disaster because I did not fry enough garlic and onions. So it was a bit dry. I felt sorry for the less than stellar grub. 

Very sadly that afternoon, my dad had to be rushed to the ER due to massive bleeding. So the bacon/eggs/sausages were left uneaten. My poor brother had a long day accompanying our dad at the ER. When he left the hospital (it was already evening by then), dad was not even warded yet. That is how congested the medical system is. Mum waited at home.

As at the time of writing, dad is still in hospital and my brother and I make our daily rounds to visit him. Everyday (except for Sundays when I drop food and then leave to take care of my own stuff) I make my trek from office to visit mum and then back again.

As a result of this I clock up more than the 6,000 steps set on the app on my phone (I still haven't figured out how to fiddle with this thing yet. Prior to this, my step count is way less than 6,000).

I am sure I clock up much more because my phone is not on me the whole time (like at home or at the office, I do walk quite a lot in the house).

One day I even clocked up more than 10,000 steps.

Good exercise for me!

So yesterday, I quietly took back the two boxes of uneaten bacon, sausages and eggs. Don't want it to go to waste lah, ya. I reheated the balance of the bacon (I ate some cold at the office) and one sausage (I realized one sausage was already eaten, good!) for dinner. Oh, the bacon came out so crunchy! 

That's not all I had. On Sunday, I also food prepped chicken wings for myself.

For lunch Sunday, I gave myself a Black Angus sirloin treat. It was so good!

So that's my life these days. Lots of walking and hospital visits.

Well, updating my blog is part of my stress relief measures. I wish I could update more frequently but alas time does not permit. Till next time, eat well, exercise and stay healthy!


  1. 4.00 a.m.??? So early!!! 5.00 a.m. is also early but I get up at that time every morning - my girl has to be in school by 6.00 a.m. It gets brighter earlier here so school starts at 7! I wish I could get hold of some gourmet sausages here - none at the supermarkets at the moment. Just those regular ones, no, thank you!

    1. It has been quite a while now that I automatically get up at 4:00am which is good because I get a lot of things done. I remember back in the good old day, east Malaysia was 30 minutes ahead of us. The news bulletin used to display two sets of clocks. Then you-know-who made us shift our time half an hour ahead to synchronize with the time at your end.

  2. Ya nowadays so many people need to stay in hospital. Right now the elderly on my side here is still in the hospital.

    1. It is a sad reflection of the state of the general population's health status (discounting admissions due to accidents). I hope that the elderly makes a speedy recovery.

  3. Thank you for writing to share with us. You are so super diligent. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ Status strong and take good care! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  4. You cooked up yet another storm! I like how charred your chicken looks (and wonder why they're extra charred around the edges). Mine is usually charred at the top and that's because I lay my chicken skin side up first (I actually don't flip my chicken). I see you put them skin side down first...maybe that's why the edges are more charred than the top (since the skin is exposed for a shorter period of time).

    Sorry to hear that your dad has to be warded again. Oh dear, even admission to a private hospital takes so long? Pay good money and still have to wait....haiz. That must be a very popular hospital. I think we need to build more hospitals to cater to our aging society. P/S: Hope your dad gets well soon.

    1. I like to cooke them skin side down and then flip so that the skin is nice and browned at the end. It is crispy too and best eaten warm of course. Once packed, no more crispy.

      Ah, that's the drill for us monthly. As of today he is still at the hospital. I hope he gets well soon too, many thanks!

  5. I am really learning something new today as I am trying to cook meals by using oven and slow cookers only. Now I can pop all my vegetables into the oven!! So easy.
    I am sure your parents and brother enjoyed your cooking, be it dry or wet. You are just a perfectionist!!

    You are so skinny because you have been walking the whole Uptown and Starling Mall for years. Everyone knows you are the real 'Uptown Girl' πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. LOL! I hope they enjoyed the meals. I am sure your slow cooker meals are very good too!

      I walk so much these days and sweat like a pig! Oinks!

  6. Hope your dad's condition is better now.
