Saturday 1 June 2024

Restoran Next Station, Damansara Jaya

A new restaurant opened just a few days ago at Damansara Jaya. So of course I was curious.

I happened to walk past on opening day and the following day I visited. Yes, this is a naughty meal but I am not counting hah..hah...hah...

The set up is pretty much similar to those modern kopitiam cafes.

Tables are set in long rows and customers are separated via perspex boards.

That would give you some privacy without the tables having to be spaced (space maximization).

Let's look at the menu.

Noodle soups.

More noodle soups/dry noodles and even (kampung) chicken rice.

Western style breakfast.

And of course beverages and breakfast food.

Ordering is via QR code or you could place your order with the server.

I was in no mood for chicken rice or soup. So I settled on the Hakka Spicy Noodle and Kopi C

The Kopi C was all right, not of the intensity that I prefer.

The accompanying soup had a sweet taste. There were omelette and two fish balls in the soup. This soup was nice enough.

The noodles came with a fried egg and minced pork.

The spicy element came from this condiment of chilies. You can help yourself to extra condiments at the front counter.

So I mixed everything all up and added the dried chilies. This is a very stodgy meal for me and taste wise, I have no complaints. Portion size is commendable and I was suitably stuffed.

After the meal, I walked back to Damansara Utama. First stop was The Starling for my walkabout to run off the glucose hah..hah... I also pulled my elevator climbing stunt.

That's when I came upon this talking tree.

I thought it was an abomination. Sorry, Starling.


  1. Talking tree? What is that? Ah, I see you having a cheat day though the meal looks ok ok only but you are fish balls when you don't eat beef balls due to the flour in beef balls.

    1. That tree can "talk" and "sign" (pre-recorded) LOL! I ate the fishballs, no big deal hah..hah...

  2. The perspex boards remind me of the partitions in offices. I can see that it is a decent meal with reasonable portion.

    1. That type of partition was also used in some restaurants during the pandemic when dining out was allowed.

  3. what does the talking tree say? Need to pay to talk to that tree?

    1. I didn't stay to listen. It's some pre-recorded message and songs.

  4. I like the idea of separating the tables with the perspex boards. Advertisement at the same time.

    Talking tree? It talks back?? Lol.

    1. No. the tree won't talk to people LOL!

  5. Lol....I didn't know you can run off the sugar (I also want to do that lah), carbs ya-lah! :D

    1. Can. After makan, go for a walk to utilize the glucose in your bloodstream.

  6. I tried Restaurant Next Station a few years ago at their first outlet at Section 19. I can remember the food was rather homey tasting. The talking tree! I saw it last week when I went for movie and it reminds me of the talking (can interact) & walking dustbin at Hong Kong Disneyland that I watched in a Youtube video recently. LOL

    1. LOL! I realized that the talking tree belongs to Jungle Gym and it's part of their setup.
