Wednesday 25 August 2021

What I Do With Bone Broth

I have been asked how I consume bone broth. There was a time when I drank it like a supplement by adding some salt and pepper to it.

The best way to consume bone broth is as soup with the addition of meat and vegetables. That's how I take it most of the time. Or it can be used as a base for porridge.

This is how bone broth looks like after spending some time in the fridge or defrosted, all gloopy and gelatinous, as it should be. Just heat it up and it will liquify. Then add on vegetables and meat or whatever that you want in your soup.

I also make porridge with bone broth and the way I cook porridge might freak you out.

I use cooked rice heh..heh...heh... It's a lot faster. I grate and then chop up the grated carrots, throw them into the boiling broth. Then I add seasoned minced pork. Simmer the broth and then add in cooked rice and my not-so-secret-ingredient - Knorr chicken stock cubes.

Let the whole thing come to a boil and then cover the pot and off the fire. Let the porridge cook further on residual heat. Kautim

Then of course my fave way of using bone broth is to cook soup. You know what veggie I love these days? Brazilian spinach. I have been eating loads of it.

I like to add (frozen) dumplings, tofu and beancurd skin into my soup. It's so good!

I love making a big pot of soup on Sundays.

Very simple nia. Bone broth, sliced carrots, chopped cabbage, a few cloves of garlic (because I love it) and meatballs. And yes, my not-so-secret-ingredient again, Knorr chicken stock cubes for extra oomph.

I bring the pot to a boil for 5 minutes and then cover it, off the fire and leave to cook on residual heat for an hour or so. The Dutch Oven that I use retains heat very well.

Once the soup is cool enough, I scoop them into glasslock containers for storage in the fridge or freezer.

I can eat the soup over several days with addition of ingredients like my favorite Brazilian spinach.

And of course I also use bone broth to cook Kimchi Jigae.

Unfortunately I don't have time to make my own kimchi and relied on store bought. Not nice lah.

Store bought kimchi is often too salty and too sour for my liking but what to do?

So like that lah. Have I experienced any benefits from consuming bone broth? Oh yes. My skin is smoother and clearer and there is a natural glow. Trust me your skin, inside and out, benefits from the collagen.

I no longer consume (very expensive) over the counter collagen supplements as I feel that collagen from natural source is better absorbed by our body.

Sorry lah, I can't show you my face. Maybe I will one day when I am no longer in public practice. Or on my 60th birthday. Whichever is the earlier. Hah!

Sure or not, Ma?


  1. I wish I had ready-cooked bone broth. I've been wanting to cook our Sibu instant kampua, clear soup style so I need the broth. Some young upstarts shared a video clip on Facebook cooking that...and they used plain water for the soup - HOW CAN? Itu tipu orang punya lah!!! Hopefully, I can do it soon...and share on Facebook how it should be done.

    1. Well, looking forwards to your proper way of cooking soup for the kampua noodles!

  2. No wonder you cook and keep lots of bone broth. So much you could add and consume it with. Yum yum.

    I usually cook porridge from scratch. From uncooked rice. Rarely use leftover rice for porridge but agree with you, it fasten the time of cooking.

    1. I have tried cooking porridge from scratch and I always get it wrong - either my water is not enough (become too thick) or I overcooked the rice (too mushy). So best to use already cooked rice hah..hah...

  3. I love the photo of Girl! She really knows you. Her look says it oh, sure or not, going to show everyone your face at 60? Hahaha, your caption is spot on! From what I have seen your face in real life, I can vouch for u and say what you have said is true. You have clear complexion. ๐Ÿ‘ Your today post will help many people who are diligent enough to cook their bone broth on what to cook with it. I enjoy all your food photos. Yum yummy! Especially the your soup with tofu and Kim chi in it. Simply delicious! ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

    1. I caught her at the right moment hee..hee... I am so into soup nowadays :)

  4. Bone broth is such a versatile dish, can drink on its own or add ingredients to it to eat as soup. Dumplings, tofu and beancurd skins in it, I like! Yums!

    1. You are right about bone broth and I am glad that I started making bone broth and appreciated its goodness.

  5. Cat live in a very private mode so do their owner !! ha ha ha!

  6. Yes, I too use a bit of your not-so-secret-ingredient of Knorr (but chicken powder instead of stock cubes) in my soups (for added flavour)...but that's because I only use chicken pieces or pork ribs to boil my soup. But you have those big-ass bones, so your bone broth should already be very flavourful, so I was a bit surprised to learn that you still used I used to cook extra portions of soup for freezing too but don't do that anymore after I realise the vegetables become too soft (mushy even) when reheated (the same for potatoes too, so I try not to make any potato dishes for freezing nowadays...haiz). I would gladly drink all your soups with veggies minus the kimchi one lah! :D P/S: Btw, what is Brazilian spinach? Is it very different from our local spinach?

    1. Yes, my bone broth is already flavorful on its own but somehow I like having the extra oomph! hah..hah... I happen to like mushy vegetables in soup, so freezing is all right for me. Ah, you are not yet acquainted with Brazilian spinach. It is different from our local spinach. The leaves are roundish and thicker. I was also unfamiliar with it until I read about this vegetable in Nancy and STP's blog.

  7. Oops! This morning I was at the pork seller and I forgot AGAIN to buy pork bones for the bone broth! I have been wanting to make bone broth like you. Yummy meat balls and vegetable soups. These days, I add Brazilian spinach to my cooked oats because hubby doesn't like Brazilian spinach. Ha ha ha "sure or not, Ma?"

    1. hah..hah..hah... there is always a next time :) Wah..Brazilian spinach in cooked oats! Very unusual. I like Brazilian spinach as it does not have any strong distinct flavor and thanks to you I got to know this veggie.

  8. Oh, forgot to ask you, or have you mentioned it before - do you grown your own Brazilian Spinach like Nancy or you buy them? I don't think I have seen Brazilian Spinach being sold in aeon supermarkets.

    1. I haven't tried growing them yet. Yes, I don't see them at Aeon either. So I have to get them at Jaya Grocer.

    2. Thanks for your reply. I will keep a lookout for Brazilian Spinach should I ever visit Jaya grocer again. I suspect not in a long long time. Stay safe! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ท

    3. Bayam brazil easy to grow. Take some cuttings stick it on well draining compost rich soil. Full sun & sufficient water. Water twice a day if weather is hot. Harvest every 2-3 weeks, pluck only the young tender leaves. Old leaves very tough & not edible. Do not throw away the stems after taking the young leaves just stick the stem on moist soil & it will grow more.

  9. Normally I'll freeze some rice (uncooked one) if I plan to cook porridge, which the frozen rice will shorten the cooking time for porridge because the grain will break faster after being frozen.

    1. That's a good method. I should try it so that I can cook porridge at any time.

  10. Good to know the soup for healthy skin, soothing having it and have healthy benefits.

    1. The best part is that it is delicious :)

  11. I am just recovering from dengue and someone mentioned that bone broth might be good for me.

    1. Oh dear! I hope that you are feeling better now and yes, bone broth is nutritious and will do you good. It took me about a month to be back to my normal self after discharge from the hospital. Dengue was quite an experience!

  12. I am seriously looking to eat home made bone broth now after hearing how shiny and smooth your face is. Since I lost 17kgs, my skin started to sag and dry up like prunes! That's because I have not gone to gym for over a year!!! Muscles become wobbly old flesh. TM cries!!!

    1. That is a lot of weight that you lost. You can slowly build muscles again and bone broth is excellent for skin health. Mesti cuba!
